My boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 years now. He had this childhood friend that he was extremely close with. They were attached at the hip, vacationed together, and had holidays together. When I met them, I originally thought they were together but he assured me they were incompatible so no they are just friends. So we started dating. But he kept prioritizing her over me. He would tell her everything, text her every day, and kept mentioning her. I told him it made me feel lesser than and insecure. I didn't like how close he is to her. After some arguing and pleading, he agreed that he was putting me second. Said he'll talk to her, tell her he wants to focus on us. After that, their interactions stopped.

A week ago, one of their friends texted him to let him know that she had uterine cancer and died a few hours ago. My boyfriend became a completely different person after that. He became kind of manic. He ran to meet with their friends, demanded to know who was handling her funeral and apartment and possessions. She had no family left so they were thinking of splitting the responsibility. He strong-armed them into letting him help. They relented and next thing I know, he's spending every day in her apartment. He took time off work and just spends hours in there. I got worried so I asked his friends for her address and went to check on him.

I thought he was packing up her stuff and throwing things out, cleaning. But he wasn't. Instead he was going through her things, reading her journals (apparently she's been journaling since she was small). He even began trashing her apartment to find her laptop's password. He claims that she had trouble remembering stuff like that so she would write them down and stash them around the apartment in little hiding places. And he knows that password is around somewhere.

I had it when he started asking me if I can call Best Buy and see if their geek squad will unlock the laptop for him. I started begging him to stop and to just take a moment and just stop. I tried telling him how crazy he was acting. He blew up on me. Started yelling at me, screaming about how all this was my fault. How none of this would have happened if I just let them keep hanging out. How he read her journals and how he knows the reason why she stopped talking to him was because he told her I was feeling insecure. And how she tried reaching out when she got diagnosed and called to see if he wanted to do dinner. He cornered me and asked me if I remember throwing a bitch fit at her invitation and begged him not to go. So he declined by telling her that I wasn't comfortable with them hanging out anymore. And then she just disappeared after that. Apparently, she took that to mean no contact ever and just kept her cancer diagnosis hidden from him. She even asked their friends to not tell him. And they respected her wishes. And because he was respecting my selfish wishes, he wasn't there for her and she died alone.

Next thing I knew, he was throwing me out of her apartment, telling me to never go there again. He doesn't want me in her space. He needs time and he won't be going home for awhile.

I'm so confused and hurt. I don't know what to do. Was this really all my fault?

Edit: stop telling me my relationship is over. My boyfriend only asked for time and has never mentioned breaking up. We are together in every sense of the word. We live together. Both our names are on the lease. We pay bills together. We have a life together. We are not breaking up.