Quick update, I wrote to the dealership to suggest this and they hadn’t thought of it. Lo and behold they did it and the car is ready for pickup! I’m so relieved. Thank you for this comment!

Oh amazing thank you I will message you now!

Canada Lemon rules? ❓Question

Hi guys,

Looking for some advice. My 2023 Premium AWD ER has now been in the shop for over a month. It had a powertrain error but was still driveable so I took it in and the dealership has been saying the part they need is on emergency back order with no ETA.

It was a stressful time because it happened right when I was due to give birth and they said they didn’t have a courtesy car for us but I managed to get them to pay for a rental which is not ideal and much smaller but only temporary or so I thought. I’ve since had my baby and it’s honestly a pain to use this rental and I’m still paying for an expensive car that’s just sitting at the dealership.

I called Ford corporate today who said there was nothing they could do to help given the dealership is already paying for the rental and there was no buyback option.

Has anyone been through this in Canada, could I be stuck for months just waiting and not being able to use the car I’m paying for? Not to mention the price of gas.

Sorry if this message is a bit jumbled still in new baby brain fog, hoping to get any advice on next steps.


Your dog probably isn’t having enough time to reduce the stress hormones between walks. Driving to a quiet area once a day or every other day is going to be so beneficial for you both and build up confidence again. Once my dog has had a walk with multiple triggers it’s a write off for a while. It can take 3 days for the cortisol to reduce. Sniffspots are great, longer leash sniff walks in huge visible fields are great. Some dogs just aren’t cut out for neighbourhood walks and passing other dogs in close proximity. My dog also loves walks but quality over quantity is so much better for you both. Trainers are good but you can’t train out a dogs genetics and good management is key. Muzzle training is an excellent deterrent to other ‘friendly’ dog walkers too. My dog has trazadone for particularly stressful times and it just brings her down from being at 110%. Others have great success with Prozac for dogs all of which aren’t a quick fix but just enable your dog to be calm enough to make good decisions and actually listen to the training you’ve both worked so hard on. On a good day my dog is perfect, on a bad day I’d swear she was completely deaf and all our training goes out the window! Speak to a veterinary behaviourist and continue with reactivity training. It can and will get better for you both.

In Vancouver? Which trail? Let me know if you ever want to do parallel walks :) I live DT and I’ve had multiple people bark at my dog or stare aggressively when she’s losing her shit. She’s leash reactive to dogs but her main fear is unpredictable men like people collecting cans or walking differently/talking to themselves. Sounds like this guy wasn’t having those type of problems he’s just an asshole ‘alpha’ idiot.


Congrats to u/rec_effect for a generous donation to Foundry, a charity that supports vulnerable and marginalized youth in Vancouver. Have a great time!

Blink 182 charity auction?Giveaway
Moderator removed post

Penny gets a variety of strange ones - poopoosh, poops, poopy, little lamb, lammy, sweet pea, pea pod and poop monster (she poops like 7 times a day) she will recall the best to poopoosh 😂

I had a very similar situation, my boyfriend and I had been drinking in the sun and my dog gets very nervous around drunk people, we both know this and it’s very rare we drink together, if at all. After a day of sun and beer on the balcony I fell asleep which is my normal state lol. My boyfriend started messing with me trying to wake me up and laughing etc. My dog got in between us and warned him to back off with clear body language. He bent down to blow a raspberry on me and she nipped his nose. It was also a scratch and clearly showed bite inhibition but was bleeding. I heard the snap and I woke up immediately sobering up when I saw what had happened. The difference is my boyfriend told me all of the above including that it was entirely his fault and he was only worried about his stupid tipsy self putting our dog in a situation where she felt so stressed to do that. He was way more upset at the thought of a relationship breakdown between him and the dog.

Luckily they’re still best buds, she forgave him and he understands how important it is to respect her space and warning signals so that she doesn’t escalate without then if she doesn’t see them being respected.

The difference in our situations is that we all make mistakes but my boyfriend immediately admitted it and made changes to ensure it wouldn’t happen again. His concern was for our dog. If your partner loves you he should do more to educate himself about reactivity and dog body language. You love your dog and therefore he should know how important that is to you and respect it always.

I’m happy to do it, just give me about an hours notice. It’s horrible being sick and isolated, I’ve been there. A hot food delivery always cheers me up. Either way I hope you feel better soon.

Where are you based? I’m in the west end and I know it’s too late for your craving tonight but I can doorstep drop you one off tomorrow? I’m also vegetarian and English so I make it regularly :)


I’m sorry you have this choice to make. I would recommend getting a vet that comes to your home. He should have the least stress as possible.

I’m just going to reply to your question and not comment on the housing issues here which I know are hard for a number of people. I’m not sure about Kits but here in the West End a lot of places have signs up outside the buildings so a daily stroll around the neighborhood you like will show up anything new. Other than that, Facebook marketplace and Craigslist are the only ones I’m aware of for renting. Write a good bio and have references ready, and depending on your budget you’ll be fighting with multiple applicants, especially if you want pet friendly. I imagine Kits is very competitive so think about widening your search. Welcome to Vancouver and reach out if you want a new friend :)

I don’t really I’m sorry, we’ve just got a behaviourist referral after sorting out a number of health issues so I haven’t introduced any external trainers yet.

I’ve considered this place before it sounds good. There’s also Carey Trains Me who is now based out of a farm in Abbotsford: https://instagram.com/careytrainsme?igshid=NDk5N2NlZjQ=

Nothing specific about reactive dogs on her website but I knew when she used to work in DT Van she walked and trained a number of people and dog reactive dogs and her own rescue is dog reactive and muzzled for safety at times.

Anatolian Shepherd mix (80lb) rescued from Iran as a pup and now lives in PNW HATES the rain. Given it rains here around 8 months of the year she’s regretting all of her life choices 😂 Puts the breaks on and has to be carried out of the door or driven to a spot under trees to consider going potty.


They are yours! DM me your email address and I’ll forward them :) enjoy the recliners, perfect snow day activity if you don’t have to travel.

Anyone live near Marine Gateway Cineplex and want Avatar tickets for 1.30?Giveaway

I’m not going to risk the travel even on the skytrain in case I get delayed getting home to my pup. They are yours for free if you’re in walking distance. Sorry for short notice.


I’m in the same boat. My pup was attacked by an off leash dog and is now reactive. It’s such a shame because she still plays so well with dogs she knows with a similar playing style but we cannot get near other dogs on leash and I can’t trust her off leash in case another dog corrects her and she overreacts.


My Mom said it was a bang followed by a burn. I told her to get checked.

Huge bang in west end?Ask Vancouver

Anyone else hear that? It shook my apartment.


I have a prozac prescription for my girl but I haven’t started it yet. She’s getting spayed soon so I want to get over that before starting. However, Trazadone has been great for separation anxiety. I give her a dose right before I go out and some chicken breast which is her absolute favourite. She also used to howl and pace and now she might sniff at the door a bit then go lie down and sleep. I’m now able to leave her for up to 6 hours if I need to. She’s definitely excited when we get back but as long as she’s had good exercise before I go out she will just sleep when we’re gone. I don’t make a big deal when I leave either. Just give her the high value treat on her bed and walk out the door. I’ll sometimes put my shoes and coat on in the hallway so that she doesn’t get wound up.

I agree, absolutely not worth the money, zero atmosphere and all round just over priced and weird.

Line Spa and Polish on Broadway is the best.