Hi guys,

Looking for some advice. My 2023 Premium AWD ER has now been in the shop for over a month. It had a powertrain error but was still driveable so I took it in and the dealership has been saying the part they need is on emergency back order with no ETA.

It was a stressful time because it happened right when I was due to give birth and they said they didn’t have a courtesy car for us but I managed to get them to pay for a rental which is not ideal and much smaller but only temporary or so I thought. I’ve since had my baby and it’s honestly a pain to use this rental and I’m still paying for an expensive car that’s just sitting at the dealership.

I called Ford corporate today who said there was nothing they could do to help given the dealership is already paying for the rental and there was no buyback option.

Has anyone been through this in Canada, could I be stuck for months just waiting and not being able to use the car I’m paying for? Not to mention the price of gas.

Sorry if this message is a bit jumbled still in new baby brain fog, hoping to get any advice on next steps.