I used to be a person who silently judged those with dogs acting crazy & uncontrollable outside. I’d think, geez, train your dog. Let me tell ya, I have been humbled. I didn’t even know “reactive dog” was a thing. I’ve always had dogs, but nothing like the one I have now.

Odie has had more training than any dog I’ve ever had. He is actually well trained and very good except, if we run into other dogs while out for a walk. I have done boarded training, worked 1:1 with a trainer who specializes in leash reactivity and nothing works.

This is hard. It’s stressful, it’s exhausting and it’s painful. I’m in PT twice a week for torn tendons & ligaments in my arm which is a result of my dog’s leash reactivity. I still take him out 3 x’s a day so we can do the work and try to work through his triggers. Today, I’ve hit the point I don’t know if I can keep going through this. The walks, not giving up on my dog. He’s stuck with me.

I literally walked home sobbing today after we ran into dog after dog after dog. I couldn’t avoid them and it was just too much for my guy.

Has anyone with a reactive just stopped walking them? He loves his walks so much and the exercise is good for both of us, but I can’t go through this every time we go outside. I’ve considered night walks. Early morning and late evening, that is what I’m trying next, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we still have encounters. To make matters worse, I live in a neighborhood with a lot of people who do not leash their dogs because they’re, friendly. That’s so great for them, but that unleashed, friendly dog is my worst nightmare.

I was of the belief I could train the reactivity out of him, but I’m not so sure anymore. Really appreciate any advice or insight anyone who has been in a similar situation may have.