Any no matter how absurd or black humour!

Just a lighter thread

I will give mine and they are silly

I say: "Hi Hi sweet pie" in affection to my dog. It is nice and light and bright tone

I also call him Sweet Pea... no idea why

Also I call him my "bony beanie baby"

Cause he is very bony but still tries to snuggle and he frankly jabs me lots! He is not a soft cuddly dog


Even if you call your dog little stinker or what ever there are no rights or wrongs!

Mine is currently digging the carpet and I want to call him bug eyed monster!

I also call him killer when he gets that way with rabbits (yelping shrieking)

Let's share


Edited to say I am so glad I am not the only one with a pet name habit! Thank you all! You cheered me up and so many are total genius. I need to try harder!