is the bookbot no longer a thing? I forget how to summon it...

{{The Cabin at the End of the World}}

{{I'm Thinking of Ending Things}}

it's actually extremely well written and worth a read, and makes you think. but yes, disturbing.

1000% want to bury my face in all these exposed tummies! (and probably lose an eye or get defaced... but it would be worth it)

came here to ask this as well! don't think I've seen this set! would match well with the newly released tuxedo cat set.

I'm not a fan of the Friends' series (because can't stand minidolls) but must say they have some of the coolest unique pieces!

could you add a spray on top of its head? there's clearly a space for it! I was thinking a blue color "flame" piece would do.

not gonna lie, I was disturbed by this image for a sec

second this, maybe your neighbor has Ring, or other cam that might have accidentally capture this asshole.

Given what higher education is like now, I would never do this. I share as little about myself as possible, the most thing I would share is my pets (as they the students interested). anything else is ticking time bomb.

refer to student support/mental health office ASAP. clearly this student is not well.

thank you! didn't know this is a legit medical procedure!

because they are scums, not everyone is fit to be a parent.

this video has been posted before and some people are saying the cat was declawed. that's why the parent/adult filming didn't intervene because they know no serious harm would happen.

they are both (yours + OP's) so cute! just enough roundness and innocent face!

I see cats often on this sub. I love it. I wish there's a "lego and cat" sub. or something similar, exclusively on photos of lego and cats.

totally agreed. depending on my mood/energy level, I'd do sets or MOC... have to say sometimes MOC feels like work... but satisfying.

that's a beautiful piece of feline furniture. I'm afraid to ask how much it is... looks good quality, sturdy, and beautiful, hence possibly very pricey.

I would put one next to the TV in the living room in the upper right hand corner. kind of tucked away but with ways to get out, and enough ventilation. the other one might be harder. depending if you don't mind having the litter in a bedroom. or if you don't plan to use the bathroom next to the utility room, then you can potentially put in that cubby.

agreed, not a fan of keeping litter in bathrooms, where it can be humid and wet. and depending on the type of litter you use, loose litter does not mix well with water.

not his fan, but he did pretty well here. where's the rest of the program?

are actual judges as meticulous as you? I have to admit it's hard to see the difference without slow-mo but I'm not a professional