Poor planning on her part does not constitute an emergency on your behalf.

I take it you and your wife are not good at asserting boundaries.

Supervised visits mandated by the court should be supervised by a county social worker.

Y’all are enmeshed with this dumpster fire of a marriage and it’s eating at yours.

And you are absolutely in the wrong for not picking a side. That’s what you do when years of abuse culminate as a scratch that is used to weaponize someone’s children. You ditch the abuser.

Do better.

My grandfather. Raped all of his children for years and likely many others.

We’ve read this story a hundred times before.

Do yourself a favor and skip to the end where you’re happily divorced and living your best life.

I admire those who undergo such massive introspection and self-improvements.

Atlanta was straight up terrifying. I’ve traveled all over the world and it was definitely in my top 3 least safe feeling places on earth.

Nowhere in LA is safe to walk at night. A car is fine, though.

Where you stay highly depends on what activities you wish to do.

Getty museum, Santa Monica pier, and Venice Beach - stay in Culver City, it’s high end and within driving distance to a ton of tourist sites.

Master Advice Giver [30]

If you want to look like a dick over $4, sure.

Their poor planning does not constitute an emergency on your behalf.

Ventura County has several cannabis lounges.

Spoken like someone who has never heard of harm reduction or taken a course on substance abuse.

You are factually and unequivocally incorrect. Do some actual research… from peer-reviewed journal articles, not your ass.

I think the breed is a wonderful choice for a service dog. They’re incredibly loyal with a strong drive for people-pleasing, and are well-suited to having a job with specific tasks for their favorite person. Good luck!

NTA. People who don’t want anyone walking on the outskirts of their lawn that are up against the sidewalk should get a fence on their property line.

Joints are meant to be shared. Some spit’s gonna be in the mix.

Stupid, that’s a rott— ohhhhhh wow, yup, that’s a corgi with massive balls.

Master Advice Giver [30]

Call your county’s Housing Authority for advice.

The only kind of relationship anyone should have with their boss is “professional.” He needs to grow up.

What about Alexee Trevizo, who gave birth in a hospital bathroom and staff found the dead baby in the trash? Abortion is legal in New Mexico, where it occurred.

What about Brooke Skylar Richardson, who buried her baby in her backyard and claimed it was stillborn? Abortion is legal in Ohio, where it occurred.

Women keep pregnancies a secret when they are terrified. The laws have no bearing over paranoia, sociopathy, or any other mental disorder that may cause this wildly inhuman behavior.

Master Advice Giver [30]

Then she knew for some amount of time prior to the incident that he had murder in his heart. And for that, she is complicit.

I’m glad he is no longer in your lives, and I’m so sorry you have to carry this.

Master Advice Giver [30]

Is it better to shelter them from danger and life experiences in favor of longer lifespan, or better to let them live their lives outside knowing they may have less time here?

Who am I to say. To each their own. Always go with what feels most right to you!

Psychiatrists are MDs who go to medical school. It’s entirely different training from a therapist. You say you cannot find good mental health support, but that’s not their job.

Generally psychiatrists do not conduct therapy, as their job is providing medications. Therapists conduct talk therapy, and hold titles like psychologist, social worker, LPC, or MFT.

Also, no MDs or therapists who are practicing with clients are fresh out of school. You have to do a minimum of 2,000 practicum hours under supervision to be able to practice independently, depending on the field and specialty.

I don’t know who you were speaking with, but it wasn’t a licensed therapist. All of the quotes you provided are in egregious violation of the code of ethics for all mental health practitioners.