I only have Aquarius for Mercury... this to a T 😳

Scorpio and Aries stelliums only amplify the coldness and abrasiveness.

I'm devastated for you too, as a mom myself. Also, you shouldn't have to ask people to be gentle with you, as in, I hate that people have to be such narrow-minded judgmental sphincters that that even has to cross your mind.

The one kinda weird pro though is that at least because we have the uterus, we never have to go through the existential horror of getting someone else pregnant, especially if we don't know how we feel about them.

Your choice absolutely makes sense. And no, it's never easy.

No, I would choose to move on.

Moving on doesn't mean magically getting over him—not the same. Rather, it's the choice to consciously continue to invest in yourself and your own life, regardless of who is or is not there.

Being stonewalled is devastating, I really do feel you on that. But after it happening over and over again, with different men, after a while, it just gets plain old. Scorpio just seems to be (one of) the most susceptible to indulge in that shadow behavior.

Someone who truly loves you for you would not be okay with making you wonder if they care or not. They would communicate if they were upset with you because they would want to mend the breach.

  1. Not how stelliums work 😆
  2. You're completely forgetting house placements.
  3. Since you're being a stick in the mud, I don't owe you any "justification." Go learn more about astrology. (Or don't, and look foolish again, up to you 🤷🏼).

Hahaha, I'm a Scorp stellium but Aquarius Mercury. In my experience because they are so out-of-the-box too, I tend to jive with them pretty well, probably the best of the air signs. I love the weirdness and dorkiness of Aquarians.

Pisces sun, Aries moon, Libra Rising, Aquarius Mercury, Scorpio stellium.

People think I'm intense and weird, but also detached when I'm talking about emotions, unless I'm pissed.

I'm also autistic, so it's hilarious that that shows up in my chart. If they don't like that my face and emotions don't always sync, well, tough shit for them.

Remembering it's not forever because one day I will be dead.

But you were trying to be condescending, by your own admission.

Someone's feeling exposed 😆

It's fair to bring that point up: "how would you feel if I had done this to you?"

If he's not willing to be an adult, then he's not ready for a relationship, period. I'm sorry you had to find out the hard way :/

And u/hoodii

Sounds like it struck a nerve 😆

Awww, I'm sorry he did that. Mature Scorpio would communicate what he needs, such as some days to process, and keep you updated even if he is mostly silent. Stonewalling is not okay, and it's the Shadow side of Scorpio.

It's okay to stand up for yourself. If he's going to stonewall, that puts some serious waves in the relationship because you can't trust he'll communicate (like an adult). If you're still wanting to try to keep the relationship, set some firm boundaries: tell him you need to know where his head is at, what he wants (and if he doesn't know, he needs to say that then), and to come up with boundaries together to communicate and how to handle space. Otherwise, you will take it that he is done with the relationship, and it is over. I would say 24 - 48 hours is plenty time to come up with a response. He doesn't need to have all the answers. He simply needs to communicate where he's at.

Okay, to start, Western culture has a very fucked up view on sexuality and monogamous normativity. Long story short, monogamy was created after the advent of agriculture in order to control lineage and inheritance (and women). Please please please please read Sex at Dawn.

Feelings are feelings.

Additionally, this is less of an astrology issue and more of a systemic one: toxic monogamous norms + substance abuse + capitalism (workaholism) all play into this.

Someone who truly loves you would be horrified at making you feel unsafe (i.e. what your husband SHOULD feel). Idk if the online guy is actually a narcissist—I don't have enough info, and the term is way overused.

Please read this, it's a free PDF: https://ia800108.us.archive.org/30/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf

It explains how toxic masculinity translates into romantic relationships, primarily heterosexual ones, and how far too many men are okay with their partner living at a tolerable level of permanent unhappiness (please watch Shar Henley on YouTube and TikTok).

Please feel free to DM me if you need to talk. I've been in a similar situation with my marriage with losing attraction to him because I've been emotionally and sexually neglected for years (divorce is the route I'm going). I've also had exes who had workaholism and substance abuse issues... It can be a nightmare.

Scorpio or not Scorpio, he's being an immature douche canoe. You have dodged a bullet by not having sex with him, because the first time you said "no" to sex (reason doesn't matter, no = no), he should have respected it. And now he wants to punish you with stonewalling? Fuck that (not literally though).

You deserve better. The garbage took itself out. 💅🏼

(Scorpio stellium that puts shadow Scorpio behavior in its place—the dumpster)

Dude, okay, it's not just me. I've had this too (Pisces sun with Scorpio stellium). It's actually to the point where it's lasted over a year since I've seen him, but sometimes feel like he's standing right next to me. (It used to feel like all the damn time, but it tapered off a few months ago when he started his Saturn return—I recently finished mine). And he's pretty private on social media, and we're not connected on their anyways, but I would still find out through the grape vine that what I felt seemed to reflect in the small tidbits I saw. I also know that he was still keeping tabs on me even after he blocked me (I had told him I had feelings, and his behavior got even more hot and cold, like his body language was like fighting himself).

I've been able to sense things, intuitively, in the psychic atmosphere for years. But since meeting him, it has skyrocketed to an unprecedented level. I get hit with feelings that aren't mine (I've learned how to deduce mine vs. others')

This is why I love having an Aries stellium in addition to my Scorpio stellium.

Yes, it's worked for me, but because I was done with how they were treating me (one was stonewalling, the other was paranoid and jealous, both are exes). Aries is very I'M DONE when people aren't straightforward, so mystery and sex appeal lose their luster real fast when I have to deal with malarkey. As a result, yes, I have out-Scorpio-ed Scorpios.

I'm 30 now, so I've been through this a fair bit now.

Sometimes someone just means a lot to you, even if you never got too close. It sucks, because it feels like getting betrayed by your own emotions, but damn, I'm proud of you for listening to those red flags. It's okay to miss the person while also recognizing that being around them isn't good for you.

As someone struggling with closing off their own heart currently, I will say take it as a reminder of how deeply you care, and that the emotional investment you give to others will make them feel so loved—that is, to those who are worthy of trust, and doing work on themselves.

To u/Leila_Z_ too

Yeah, I've been in the situation myself 😕 I've also had a Scorpio treat me like an emotional support animal, but other signs too. This behavior is part of a larger systemic problem of male entitlement. Highly recommend reading this book https://ia800108.us.archive.org/30/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf , checking out r/TwoXChromosomes , and looking at Shar Henley on YouTube and TikTok. I wish I had this information so much sooner—I spent my twenties being duped by this (the male bumbler is a myth—men play stupid at home to get out of domestic and emotional labor).

If any dudes slide in here crying "Not all men!" 1. No shit, Sherlock, but trying to sidestep a collective issue instead of acknowledging it means you're part of the problem. 2. Ergo enough men participate in toxic masculinity that it makes women targets. Period.

  1. Monogamous normativity comes with a lot of toxic assumptions. Highly recommend reading Sex at Dawn

  2. Being honest about feelings isn't inherently a dick move. Sometimes as adults, it's necessary. I've had frank conversations with a FWB in an open relationship where I had feelings he didn't reciprocate. We were still able to be friends because we were clear about boundaries. I've had frank conversations with coworkers, one whom I dated, and the breakup was so professional people couldn't even tell we broke up (he's a Scorpio sun, I'm a Scorpio stellium).

  3. It's one thing if he was intentionally breadcrumbing you. It's another thing if it was just an admission of, "Yeah, I have feelings for her." Do you know for sure he admitted it, or did people pick up on his feelings and tell you?