I work with a Scorpio man who’s a very handsome man. I notice how he’s always watching me and he’s always coming up to me either to ask me a question or talk about something work related. He seems to always be in my bubble, or at the very least near by. He hesitates to say something at first, perhaps out of shyness. He’s complimented me on how I have an inviting smile. He looks at me like he’s very focused, then looks down like he’s nervous.

I’ve flirted back once or twice (I let it slip because I gave in) and there’s been much hesitation because of the age gap. He’s 20 and I’m 29, so I’ve been very wishy washy on this whole thing. I’m a Gemini so this checks out lol. Anyway, I can’t help but make eye contact and smile at him when I first see him. I recall him almost following me around like a puppy at some point but I felt like we had to put a stop to that, again, due to the age difference. I could tell he felt a bit bad since he avoided me the rest of the day. He would look at me and look away very fast.

We were in the break room and he sat with another coworker. When the other coworker spoke to me he had his head down buried in his food as to not look at me. A little while after, another coworker walks in and sits with me. I had a feeling Scorpio guy may not like this, but perhaps I’m delusional. We talked for the entire break and I felt like Scorpio guy might’ve been watching us chat.

At some point the coworker mentions something negative about the new manager. “Do you like him?” I ask him. Coincidentally, Scorpio guy was walking past us out the break room when I said those words. I later thought “Was that what Scorpio guy was thinking? Do I like him?” (the coworker I was talking to.) Again, it was just a trippy feeling I felt, as if I was reading Scorpio man’s mind. It was an odd question to ask anyway, but it just sorta came out and at the same time he was walking past us.

There’s this magnetic pull I feel with him. I could be vigilant of him and think about how i’d love for him to walk with me. Then he would attach himself next to me, but not say anything. Did he read my mind? Then i’d completely change the next day and think about the age gap. It really sucks being old, because if I was closer to his age I’d date him without hesitation. But because I’m much older, I know I’ll get criticized.