I agree totally with this post and have been thinking about it seems to have gotten worse in this last year. I feel like it’s a different world, like energetically we’ve dipped the whole hole planet down a dimension towards the lower worlds. I remember used to be a light, airy feeling and easier access to joy. My reasoning for this is that the blissfully unaware and happy people are even waking up too now and that’s shifted our collective consciousness into a more serious, somber tone

I am so so sorry, especially regarding your mother and how he didn’t support your grief. You made the smartest decision

Respectful and clear, much better than those calling for ghosting. She deserves the clarity rather than forever wondering if she did something

I don’t think so…. Because our guts are always moving and churning without us feeling it… but could someone please clarify

You’re most welcome and thank you. I applaud you for your strength and bravery, to hold some hope. I will continue praying for you

I know, incomprehensible, even with the explanations of motive. The only positive here is how very, very rare a nurse like this is, but sadly impossible to predict

Hi, I am so sorry you are having to go through, and have gone through so much pain. Life can be brutal at times. I understand, your story really resonated with me and I could have written it. I’m 35 now but wanted to hurt myself a lot as a teen and 20s and did so in a variety of very damaging and irreversible ways. I have weathered storms I never thought id get out of but life runs in cycles and I know things can get better. I can finally say after leaving the last abusive relationship I’ll ever be in again with my 3 kids. Life is good, I feel free, the sunshine again I’m healing with conscious effort. This is what I will be wishing and praying for you too that your storms will lift and you can have hope and strength and know you are very much worth everything good life has to offer. Sending my love

I am of the opinion that sometimes you got to let go and let be. I can see it sucks and hurts to have a sticky situation such as this, but your friends are grown women and everyone is free. It’d be different if you dated a longer time though, you don’t like him so warn them about what he’s like then let them decide if they want to go there

I think the idea of “professional names” may die out with the boomers.

Breastfeeding aversion is a real struggle that I got after 5 years of continuous breastfeeding (with two babes, whilst it did come easily and was not even something I had to think twice about for both kids). Then all of a sudden I was pregnant with my 3rd and I just had this sick to my stomach, skin crawling horrendous aversion seemingly out of no where, I did persevere and it went away once the baby was born. All in all I breastfed continuously 2016 to late 23. 7 years, mostly easy peasy but aversions are real!

Could go bold with Orchid, Bluebell, Zinnia or Tulip. I also love Rosemary, I’m sure there’s still a few around including the rarer flower names. I do like Wisteria in theory by it does correlate to the word hysteria in my mind, but this would not matter truly is still a gorgeous flower and name. I have an Iris and my love for that name has only ever grown

Rosemarie Dawn, Rosemarie Fay, Rosemarie Celine

The scariest thing I just heard today was that many “ethical” super funds are investing in weapons of mass destruction and other war industries. How do people feel their lives work has gone towards funding this?!

I had this exact same thought myself and even spoke about it in another sub

Reece and Sterling (I like how Reece ends on the same sound Stirling starts with, a subtle connection)

Wow this comment section is full of people desperate for you to be ppd. Normally you let that person bring up the subject if they so wish. Wishing you well and best of naming luck

I believe it’s truly not ppd, names are personal and it wouldn’t be the first time a baby personality didn’t suit their first name and called by second or changed name. Do whatever feels right for you and your son. Also a person feelings while in ppd are valid, I went through it 3 times. If changing makes it a happier time, I hope you feel free to

I had my 3 kids with 2 years gap between each, but I since had a dr tell me 3 years is the recommended amount of time to let you body rest and replenish

I am so sorry, you don’t deserve that type of blindsiding, but perhaps him doing that will make it slightly easier to move forward, knowing he’s a sly jerk. I hope you find someone better and is thrilled to be your partner

This is what I was thinking, many take their child life with their own to spite the ex

I’m so sorry this is happening in what should be both of your joyful time. Perhaps she was feeling anxious, stressed because of hormones amplifying, and this might of triggered her back to using. I hope she gets it together soon

Yes and both then and now, there are humans making these market regulatory decisions. It’s wasn’t just circumstances that existed at the time outside of control, we can push for change whenever we want

They knew it wasn’t sustainable but to those making decisions; growth= another year of lining their pockets using the lives of us minions to complete the sophisticated smash and grab that kicked off with the Industrial Revolution