Ok, so hear me out... please..

I know it's been said and done to death, but I just can't get over this, so here it goes:

Am I the only guy (or gal, let's be inclusive) around here that just feels that something, somehow is just off? Something is wrong. Something is missing. Like the feeling that we're on a stage or something, that none of this makes any sense anymore...

I know what you're going to say : "Nah, man, it's just you, you're tripping or whatever". I swear to you I'm not. I've felt disoriented many times before, felt lost, in limbo. No, this is different boys and girls, this feels very alien, very different and I mean that in an ominous way. Like the end is around the corner.

I'm not saying it's my end or the end of everything, it's just that it feels like we're about to turn the page, you know?

People seem fake, stuff feels off ever since we've had CV19 back in '20. It's like we've slipped into some alternate timeline or something...I can't be the only one feeling this, right?

What is it? Is it the effect of the pandemic? Are we in the End Days? Are we due for extinction or something? If so, how? Nuclear war? Another pandemic? Just what the hell is this weird ass vibe floating around?

P.s. No, I'm not insane. Just thought I'd give you all a shout, maybe somebody else can testify to this so it's not gonna look like I'm a complete basket case or something.

Happy 4th btw !