My local burger spot has a killer BLT that I taste fully. But yes I agree

Ya I was one of the people who was alone in another state away from everyone I knew. I did a shit load of drugs.

I can still have a conversation, idk it’s super weird I can’t put my finger on it. PEOPLE ARE RETARDED NOW

Oh shit dude I see them. They’re definitely following you, I would call the cops and let them know.

Here’s the thing bro, everything is going to be at maximum stress during rush.

You have to be the calm in the storm.

Slow down, and if you can cook multiple orders at the same time, (you get 1 salmon rung in, sear 3 filets instead of just 1 - by the time they’re done cooking you will most likely have more orders for salmon).

Sandbag that shit.

It’s just food, and as long as you’re dropping your orders within 0-5 minutes (during rush) of being rung in you’re golden

If you can’t see this is all going to plan then FUCK YOU

Not a bad way to go out

We would be burger homies for sure

This actually might be one of my better wanks

Ya that was my first line cook position. Live fire grill. Looking back I would kick my own ass

Ah man I’ve been in the weeds so hard I’ve dropped 60$ steaks on the ground only to “burn the bacteria” off on the grill. I’m Not proud of it but my chef was a psycho.

Idk man but over the last year I’ve really learned that people are fucking weird. I try to have conversations with people and some of the shit that is said is so strange. No social skills, just feels very weird talking to some people these days.

lol fuck this dude?! Wear whatever works best for you