"a non-sentient clump of cells that's never had a coherent thought is exactly the same as me ... Uh ... As a person who's actually had years of life as a sentient being. I are so smrt" - u-DawnToDuck

"Hnnngh ... Hnnngh ... Hnnngh" - the sound of u-DownToDuck  ignoring the actual content of peoples' comments while moving the goalposts. 

We're done talking. You know full well your "points" are nonsense or have been refuted elsewhere, frequently by "actual science" and not your intentional misrepresentation of it. Go lie somewhere else.

I say (for the last time as you're a lying bore wasting my time) that you're lying yet again, and you wouldn't know science if it bit you. 

You are intentionally conflating "human life" with "A human life" and they are not the same scientifically nor legally. Cancer cells are human. The newly-divided cells in my left ass cheek are human. Neither can survive minutes outside the body and neither have any innate rights. Those ass cheek cells are alive and contain dna sufficient to grow a whole human but scratching them off isn't "immoral" let alone abortion.

Whatever gray area there is between conception and a baby capable of breathing by itself, there is definitely time where the zygote is human but not A sentient human. It has no mind, has never had one. It cannot survive any time beyond the womb. And it should have few if any rights beyond those of cancer cells or ass cheek cells. Good luck coming up with any sane examples of such rights, that don't conflict with actual science or that conflict with law to the degree you're de facto advocating for slavery / government-mandated uses of people for medical purposes without their consent.

And you reply with yet another intentional misrepresentation, as if there was any doubt you were arguing in bad faith.

You know full well there's a context for "survive" there, but you have to lie about it to pretend to have a point.

Whatever else you can (erroneously) claim elsewhere in this thread, here you're specifically white-knighting a christo-fascist. So you're illiterate or you're lying.

Exactly what part of white-knighting for christo-fascists do you think is a good look for you?

Weird time where r-pcm-posting christo-fascists think anyone cares about their opinions.

Trying to change the subject because you've realized your own argument is nonsense? Nah, we're done here. You're not commenting in good faith.

"If I ignore reality it doesn't exist." How completely in line with the religious nut from OPs post.

So you agree they're intentionally lying, using misleading terminology, to push their religion?

If you need threat of eternal torture after you die to be moral, you're not moral. Treat others as you would be treated. In at least a basic form, it's not that complex.

You are the very definition of the religious nut in OPs image. If it can't survive outside of the womb, it's not a baby. It's an embryo. Trying to redefine words in a literary slight-of-hand to support your religious views doesn't change reality.

If you have time/space/resources/spare sanity and you're not already doing this, you can go a step further and use an old pc + a stack of hdds to make your own house server, using free tools like TrueNas. Then you can store all your videos and music on that and have it run whatever service(s) you want to serve things up to your main pc + phone + etc.

So ... butt-hurt their post history outs them as a neo-nazi. Yeah, that tracks.

Those bits maybe ... his other bits about Goat Boy maybe not so much, unless you really know your group/audience.

As we all know from the Book of Bill Hicks:

"You know, the world's twelve thousand years old and dinosaurs existed, and existed in that time, you'd think it would been mentioned in the fucking Bible at some point:

And O, Jesus and the disciples walked to Nazareth. But the trail was blocked by a giant brontosaurus... with a splinter in its paw. And the disciples did run a-screamin'. "What a big fucking lizard, Lord!"

"I'm sure gonna mention this in my book," Luke said.

"Well, I'm sure gonna mention it in my book," Matthew said.

But Jesus was unafraid. And he took the splinter from the brontosaurus paw, and the brontosaurus became his friend. And Jesus sent him to Scotland where he lived in a loch, O so many years, attracting fat American families with their fat fuckin' dollars to look for the Loch Ness Monster. And O the Scots did praise the Lord: "Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!"

Lil' daxie sugar-snoot, still running a course like that? She was the best.

And your account woke up to defend this self--hating misogynist absolute cunt why exactly?

I think I've spent too long in pupper and kitten subs, because cooking beans sounds absolutely monstrous to me right now.

You absolute monster. You give pupper toy and pets and duck fillet treats RIGHT NOW.

For reasons I can't look after a dog myself, and even I know pupper is family, and you defend family. (Also pls give your pupper pets and duck fillet treats for me.) (Also also for anyone confused, how old they are doesn't matter: they are always pupper. And pupper is life.)

The garden's all very well, but to ask the important questions: Is Mr Bilbo getting enough tummy rubs? And sufficient duck fillet treats?

PolyMC is dead since it was hijacked by a Reich-wing bigot. You want Prism Launcher these days.

On the other hand, Tartan paint exists ...