Say, "nope" and find the nearest spot to make a u-turn

This is stupid and all but why is the lady so buoyant?

Yeah, I don't get why anyone would call out Annie for being annoying.

A whole half of America is out for her blood, her staff has completely left her, Dakota Bob has left her in the dust cause she isn't useful to him any more, she is being blamed for a death that isn't her fault while the person who killed Ezekiel treats it as a laughing matter and her nemesis who continues to slander her name revealed her medical record to demonise Annie to her audience an then losing if not all then most of her supporters. The fact she hasn't had a mental break is astonishing, just being a bit bitchy towards the person who is taunting her.

I was referring to supernatural which was made by Eric kripke, the same producer as the boys which is somewhat similar to supernatural, features many shared actors and many references. Supernatural is considered to have peaked at season 5 but continued on for another 10 seasons, many of which were kinda crap.

Instead of making a pretty good show that could nicely end on season 5 but then deciding, how great would it be to have 15 seasons

Because the burn victim in the front has 3-4 arms and the dude to his right has an arm going through his head

I am vaxxed, had 3 of them just to amplify the government mind control. I was more commenting on the fact that the vaccine was proven safe years ago leading me to believe it was a bot post but now I'm pretty sure I am just making fun of an antivaxxer with dementia

The biggest expenses of a cashed up bogan tradie is his commodore/falcon ute and beer. If the tradie is the loser, I'd be gobsmacked

Huh, batteries? What are batteries?

Also, why is he commenting on electric planes? Is it cause his fanbase won't touch anything that isn't a v8 diesel roadhog which can't be entered without a stepladder and hasn't seen a speck of dirt?

Chadtopian Citizen

Why call it a pool party if no one's gonna use the pool, it's like having a house party where you lock yourself out

"Off we fuck" is probably my favourite line after "we'll cross that bridge when we burn it"

I tried playing it again after a few years but just new how to get a majority of fates checked off. It's one of the few games I wish I could replay without any memory of it

Return of the obra dinn (its a fantastic game buy and play it now) I was really stuck on naming a character who had appeared in the deaths of a third of the crew. He is one of the few times someone is mentioned by name and I completely missed it.

Fact Fiend. Basically 2 blokes (or a bloke and a blokette) talk about an amusing and partly unknown fact about a piece of history, media or people. The best part of it though is the original and main host has mega-adhd and will go on wild and fun tangents.

Too bad the channel is dead (maybe)

In what way is this shitty? That's my dinner sorted everyday, obviously I'll get a bit sick of it at some point but I could survive eating only steak for a long tine

Had a boys night near my birthday and a mate bought a whole bottle of bourbon. I drank 3/4 of it and spent 2 hours face down in a toilet. Can't drink or smell scotch, whiskey or bourbon without retching now

Did you say what the clothes are for or did you just give him a bag full of clothes? I'd happily take it, I need some more clothes tbh but I can sorta see where he is coming from if you just gave it to him as if he can't even afford clothes.

I would've just said, "hey mate, I'm leaving Australia and need to clear out my wardrobe, I've got a couple bits which should fit you if ya want them, if not it's going to savers"

Is that the duke from resident evil 8?

My definition of a cost-effective home heating system is, chuck on a jumper cause I'm poor