I did read around the episode thread and it’s hilarious how it’s switching between „best episode ever!!!“ and „worst garbage ever seen“ every second comment.

And i kinda feel both sides at the same time.

Imo it was VERY entertaining and there were a lot of funny one liners and jokes, it was never boring and fast paced. There is more entertainment with great actors and roles compared to most other shows.

The barn plot was really fun to watch but at the same time mindblowing dumb.

I think every third comment on the episode thread was: „Why didn’t Neuman popped the sheep?“ or why did 3 supes + the rest of the boys (who intend to take down HL and all dangerous supes) are completly unable to somehow kill a few supe sheep.

Or how Butcher managed to abduct Sameer in like 45 seconds (I still have a little bit of hope we will be shown how he and his cancer did that).

These are all valid questions and if they stay unanswered feel like cw writing and occurrences which wouldn’t have happened in earlier seasons and deserves to be called out.

Similar with Hughie if the woman really is his mom and not affiliated with vaught. Her giving the dad compound V is just such a strange pot development if she’s really just a mom.

Like the barn plot, the acting of hughie and his dad was amazing and hughie learning to let go was important for his development.

.. but how we got to that point with hughie losing the v and the mom randomly deciding to inject it sucked (if she isn’t an agent/spy/supe herself) imo.

We got Stan Edgar back who is amazing and always great to watch but at the same time I can’t help but feel like they kinda changed him into a softer/funnier version of himself.

Suddenly having a pardon for Stan seemed like an asspull too and indicates some level of laziness

I really have trouble to perceive him or Neumann even as Villain at this point.

The Homelander plot was awesome but had little strange parts too, the way how the guardians of godolkin got introduced just felt off to me and I think many other people and it’s getting more and more obvious how the seven never really take advantage of their powers when it would be super helpful to get their solutions.

Similar with Neumann who honestly should have killed everyone at the barn. The chicken, sheep, the Boys and even Stan Edgar and she would have gotten rid of a lot of her troubles.

I think the Homelander/Ryan plot is good, quite a few of people seem to think Ryan is too unsteady but I think it’s okay for a 12 year old. But it’s again a polarizing topic.

The Boys themselves unfortunately are becoming annoying imo, Frenchie and Starlight are completely useless and are even negative for the team.

starlight is extra annoying bitching at butcher all the time while fucking everything up herself and frenchies neverending guilt is just tiresome. MM is just boring at this point and Butcher works best alone or in duo teamups. The only one really developing is hughie.

So yeah, strange feeling for me, I enjoyed the episode and had fun watching it but was annoyed about a lot of things at the same time and it’s kinda unique lol