A lot of people in this sub are not really adults yet and see things in black and white. There was a deal, he broke it, therefore she is not the AH, according to them. The idea of marriage being a partnership and tjat partners support each other as their life changes and you can't make an ironclad deal before the wedding is a foreign concept to them.

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Me too. And I'd let people know it too.

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It's totally fine by me if you'd rather believe in one of the many other reasons people have told you for why people don’t read OC centric fics, if you think those are more likely, but you’re not really listening to what people are telling you in the comments, so what’s left?

vegan 5+ years

I try once a week with one different type of bean, so I can ensure a steady flow.

You have already left kudos here. :)

No, my first assumption was that you've had some trolls in your fic comments. But then I saw all your comments on this post and then in this thread specifically and asked myself whether this isn't just a skill issue.

But for all I know you're just bad at tagging. That's ALSO a thing that people can be bad at, and then people won't find your fic, and the ones who do are just going to be mad because it didn't have what they expected to find from reading the tags.

And no, actually, people are often, and frequently, told not to give feedback in comments, unless specifically asked. And MANY people aren't going to finish reading a fic or chapter they don't like the writing of, they're not going to take time out of their day to give you feedback on a fic they didn't like.

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Dude, I'm just saying, maybe you're not getting praise because people don't like it. Clearly plenty of people who write OCs ARE getting praise. It's entirely possible that the issue isn't the big bad group of fanfic readers, but that the issue is just you.

This happens with health too.

Oh, you have a headache? Maybe you need to eat more protein, or calcium.

Oh, you're entire general health improved after going vegan? Nope, no connection, it's probably because you're more active now. No, of course you being more active has nothing to do with you feeling better from your diet.

I think Heroine of Wisdom is too general for Zelda, so Echos works for me. I'm also totally fine not using the gendered form of the word.

vegan 5+ years

Absolutely seconding this method. I have an entire drawer in my freezer just for cooked beans.

"Get rest"

"No, but seriously, what can I do?"

"You can get rest"

"No, but I need to raise my HRV!"

I would if I could ever remember what icons I used to create it.

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There are fandoms that leave canon ships to exist?

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Or a skill issue, because it seems like OP is mostly mad they everyone isn't flocking to read and like THEIR fics.

You have already left kudos here. :)

Maybe, if you're not getting any praise, it's because what you write just isn't praise-worthy? Maybe all your OCs suck. Maybe you're really bad at tagging so the right people can find it and the wrong people can avoid it, and maybe your writing isn't good?

And it's fine for your writing not to be good. It doesn't have to be good for you to enjoy writing fanfic, but if you're in the business of writing and posting fanfic because you want praise, maybe you just need to become a better writer?

Sorry for the tough love here, but honestly, what do you want people to do? Force themselves to read things they don't want to read just in case there's a gem in there somewhere?

I like sorting pieces, it's sort of zen.

But for a 1K puzzle or something, I won't bother. Bigger than that I sort by colour.

I don't build the edges first anymore because it's more fun to start with a specific motif or section of the puzzle, so I don't sort them out.

TP because it's the first I played. I don't think that's the objectively best game or anything, but it's still my favourite.

:se: Sweden

I kinda hope I won't know anything about whoever it'll be, because I prefer that.

Since most furniture in the game is nonfunctional, making it isn't that hard for someone who knows how to do it. It's essentially a matter of creating the shape and then the textures that cover the shape and then adding whatever animations and functions already in the game. A friend of mine worked in game dev for Paralives and her entire job was creating objects. She had nothing to do with programming gameplay or functions

Gameplay might require new animations and a lot more testing to make sure it works, and quests will require lots of planning and eye on the big picture they want to tell.

I definitely want a lot more quests and challenges and the game is really due for more areas for gameplay, but I don't actually think it's a matter of either/or. Or at least it doesn't have to be. I hadn't considered the layoffs though. It IS possible that the reason we're not getting a lot of gameplay stuff right now is because they're busy with something big. At least we can hope so.

I mean just having a slowest group. If so, and if the slowest group is running a pace you can handle, then I think you just need to not care what anyone else is doing and focus on yourself. Everyone was a beginner once.

I assumed that devs who make decorating things are not going to be the same devs that work on new quests and challenges.

Having this many colours in the same house would give me a headache.

Would the 220 lb version of yourself really track everything you eat? I don't know, that sounds unhealthy as a lifestyle. Wouldn't it be better to eat like the 220lb version?

If they're not accommodating the slowest runner, it's not a good group and you should leave it.

If they are accommodating you as the slowest runner, then their normal pace doesn't matter.

People do c25k for all kinds of reasons, and they're not all couch potatoes from the beginning, you know?

He does eventually share the techniques he's talking about.

I don't think they're mind-blowing or anything, but it is also entirely possible that what you've seen is the free stuff meant to promote a course or workshop you need to pay for.

My source here is the fact that I work as a translator and have translated a lot of his online courses. Doing that have not increased my opinion of the man in question. Like most self-help guys there's like a kernel of truth in some things he says, but it's hidden under a lot of pseudo-scientific bullshit.

You know how 1.3 is rounded down to 1, but 2.6 is rounded up to 3? That still doesn't mean that 1+1 = 3, but that's what a lot of the things he says mount up to.