I’ve heard this a few times recently in podcasts, that you need to change your mindset when you do things so you have to treat every day as if you’re already that person. I will use myself as an example. I weigh 310lbs, I would like to weigh 220lbs. What would the 220lb version of myself do every day?

  • I’d track everything I eat, no matter what it was

  • I’d weigh myself daily, while knowing that fluctuations are okay and normal

  • I’d stay on top of supplementation so that I am at optimal health

  • I would go for a 3km walk every day, no matter what, rain, snow, sun, tornadoes

  • I would run 3 times a week, and on days when it was possible, one of those would be a longer run (between 7 and 10km)

  • I’d go to the gym 5 times a week. You can go when you’re tired, it’s better than not going at all

  • I’d limit my screen time before bed. More rest means better performance

I’m going to do this for the next 60 days and if I see positive results, I’m going to continue for another 60 days, and so on. Wish me luck!