I don’t understand why people hate oc centric fics so much. First you hate it when people change the canon characters too much but then when people make their ocs with these traits instead, you hate them too. The amount of times I’ve been told I made a “self insert” oc because my oc just has classic tropes placed in them is fucking insane. What’s the POINT of being a hater just because you yourself don’t understand how fanfic works.

OP ocs can work splendidly if you know how to deal with it. Look at Mob Psycho 100. Mob is OP as fuck but his struggles rely on him trying to be a normal child. Even if these aren’t the struggles of the oc, what is the point of bashing on “OPness” as if the character itself isn’t fleshed out. I just want to know what the point is here. If the character is actually terrible then that makes sense but fandom seems to see powerful abilities, tragic backstory, and bad things happening as the oc being some Mary or Gary sue.

EDIT: it’s come to my attention that everyone just kinda thinks I’m asking why people don’t read the fics. I’m mainly asking why is it so normalized to hate oc fics and OCs in general. Why are there books and threads and everything under the sun that bash on writers who create ocs as if it’s the end of the world and why does every oc get considered a “self insert” when they’re just a character made for the media? What’s with the HATE that I see crop up in so many spaces on oc’s