It’s a good thing Hillary didn’t win in 2016 or we’ve have 6 liberal activists on the court instead of 3. 

I’ve been on this sub long enough to know that stuff that criticizes Democrats never makes its way to the front page.  It’s clear people want to downplay anything that isn’t attacking republicans. 

Supreme Court cases can always be overturned. I’m sure you are fine with Brown vs. Board of education overturning Plessy vs. Ferguson. 

Well he was accused of it. It was never proven. Hell it’s never been proven that Ford and him have ever met. 

I also remember when everyone here was cheering Michael Avenatti bringing up false gang rape charges. Now that grifter is in prison. 

Are we still on about that? How do you know what his definition was of those?

It amuses me how many side by sides I’ve seen on twitter that are like “Presidents don’t control gas prices!” And later when gas goes down they’re like “thanks Biden!”

I’ll never forget people on this subreddit defending or making excuses for it or suggest it wasn’t that bad. 

I don’t buy the “30 years of disinformation” comment. Dems have this complex where they think they only lose because other people are stupid and because of disinformation. Couldn’t possibly be because people don’t like their ideas.