What is PA? What's the name of your website? Do you offer benefits?

Are in los angeles? What is the range of the commission. Can a person work from home because you said your agents have a back office? What equipment in the back office? Do your agents keep there book of business? or how does it work? What type of insurance company you own? Can a person work part-time or full-time? And what other positions you offer?

Lovenox (Heparin)

No matter what keep trusting the LORD and his mercy. All of us had different situations with blood clots but the mercy of God is the reason we are here and I am thankful everyday. I pray you will overcome with the Lord strength psalms 91 and psalms 146๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

I just recently got my license but I am on social security so I can only make a certain amount. How much a person get per sale? What the name of your company? Is the position hourly, commission or both? Is the position remote and training? Does the agent only s there own administration, accounting, ect

No I was thinking about applying there but I heard it's best to get a regular sales job first.

Is it a good place to start as a insurance agent. As far as the free leads they offer do they come from a credit card?

Lovenox (Heparin)

Just put the pill on a different cup each day.

I think the best thing to do is get a regular sale position until you're the best then apply to be a life insurance agent then work for a company that suppy the leads that legit.

Growth mindset is the key and trust in God. Once a person learn persuasion it makes the job easier. A lot of realtors switching to life insurance or morgage loan officer.

Do they have high turnover, are the hours flexible? and are they remote.

You definitely have to have a growth mindset and God on your side because I heard some stories. Have you heard of Lincoln Heritage insurance?

What company is it? Do they offer flexible hours?

Lovenox (Heparin)

I think because of the altitude it will be risky. You have a weak heart therefore it will be a strain on it if you're at that high altitude.

Lovenox (Heparin)

Inflammation is a precursor of all diseases so you may want to look into anti-inflammatory foods and plant base foods.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

Lovenox (Heparin)

Did anyone change their diet after having a blood clot?

Lovenox (Heparin)

I don't have a reclotting story but I want to know is the doctor tracking your inflammatory markers, d-dimer, fibrinogen, your factor, homocysteine levels to make sure they are within range. How's your diet? It better to eat plant base foods especially anti-inflammatory and vegetables, polyphenol and flavonoid foods and beware high fat, sugar, high protein that is high in fat and cholesterol, red meat, high sodium food. high fat nuts and seeds these foods thicken blood if they are too high. There are substitute foods that naturally thin the blood like garlic, ginger, 'mother' apple cider vinegar research and ask your doctor. A test you can ask the doctor to do is lipoprotein (a), cholesterol test, alc, liver function, hemoglobin levels, red a white cell function along with the inflammatory markers above. Is the doctor tapering you off the blood thinner or just taking you off of it abruptly. It's better to see how your blood test is on the lowest dose and how you function on that dose๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

Lovenox (Heparin)

If he can afford it research functional medicine doctor. They deal with root causes of diseases. How's his diet? After having a blood clot nutrients is a must. Plant base food that are polyphenol and flavonoid and other healthy foods. Make sure he beware of high fat, high sugar, high protein that's high in fat and cholesterol, high sodium, red meat. Make sure he stay hydrated at least 2 liter of water. I still suffer with numbness, tingling and pain if I stand up too long but it's not like before. Prayer and reading the word of God is the ultimate help especially proverbs chapter 8, proverbs 16::2-3, proverbs 3:5-6 the whole chapter is better๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

Lovenox (Heparin)

You may want to research cocao dark chocolate not cocoa. You only need 1 small square per day.

Lovenox (Heparin)

You may want to be careful with the nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil they are high in fat and calories which can thicken the blood. They can be eaten only a couple of time per week. My doctor said about a hand full of nut and seeds of is needed. My doctor have been checking two inflammatory markers d-dimer and fibrinogen. God lead me to foods that bring them it down. The down said won't do down but I'm praying it does.๐ŸคญThe d-dimer is down now I'm working on the fibrinogen inflammatory marker. Healthy anti-inflammatory foods and vegetables is the main ones because of the high nutrients. Research flavonoids and polyphenols these foods help the gut microbiome and inflammation and mushrooms. Always eat the rainbow.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

Lovenox (Heparin)

I feel you should never underestimate symptoms after having a clot especially if you're having pain. Always let the doctor confirm whether is something is wrong or not and as you go you will learn your body. I always think back to see what I could've been doing that cause a triggered symptoms. You may want to request to speak to a dietitian regarding the portion size of your food would be recommended and also vitamins k you should eat. Beware of high fat, sugar, fat, cholesterol, sodium, high fat meat and read meat and high calorie refined foods.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ