I was hospitalized for 5 weeks last August/September due to endocarditis, and while in hospital, about 3 weeks in I developed a 10+cm blood clot in my leg.
Not to bore you with the details, but because of the endocarditis I had heart surgery where they went in from the artery in my groin. The day after surgery when they stood me up, the artery popped and I bled massively. After that I was not allowed to move that leg for the next several days to keep the thing from popping again, and when I finally got up, I noticed the pain in my calf.

I was on blood thinners (injection) for 4-5 months, and have been off them since January. I have since had my d-dimer tested twice, and it's been normal.

Now, to my actual question! I'm about to fly for the first time since the blood clot in just a few weeks, and I'm pretty nervous. I booked an aisle seat with extra legroom, and I'm going to wear compression socks. I plan on doing calf pumps, and getting up every 30 minutes or so.

The flight isn't long, about 3 hours, but reading about the risks of flying related to DVT is making me more and more nervous.

Is there anything else I have missed or what I should do before/during/after my flight? Should I contact a doctor before to check if there's more to do or something preventative I could do?

Would love some support, the health issues I've been battling nearly killed me, and this trip (going to watch F1, woohoo) is supposed to be a nice reward for surviving, but now I'm just worrying more. (Yes, I am already in therapy lol)