I've had those auras, generally after too much caffeine or foods with nitrates like bacon. It seems to come on after some kinds of light exposure also. I have mentioned this to my retina specialist and regular eye doctor. Mine startedany years ago before I had my clots.

Mine is a school bus and that is absolutely forbidden. Doesn't mean some people don't do it though.

I don't need any bells, it just might be fun for me to share David Rose with people. I love him so much! And the clothing store is set up so well wardrobe wise for his tastes! I wish now I had designed the whole island as Schitts Creek. I was in my fascination zone with all things Scottish so I named my island Mo Charaid which means My Friend . If you come see David Rose it would be fun to actually interact with him.

Question here.. I have an online membership for my main character but not for David Rose. I have three non villager "avatars" basically. Do I need to switch my online membership to Family to be able to play the other characters? I suppose I can add an membership for the David Rose character. I'm not a savvy gamer, this is the only video game I've ever played and that's because I enjoyed it so much when my kids were little and living at home.

Oh it's so much fun! I only dress him in black like in the show. His house is Rose Apothecary, and I designed each room as some sort of retail. I just recently put a biergarten next to his house and I might change that to a winery because I know the real David Rose would be more into wine than beer. How long does a dodo code last? I'm not sure when I'll be playing today.

We think our border collie is actually a cat because he tossed his ball around by himself and chases it. He's quite self entertaining.

One of my occupants would like his mortgage paid off. I designed him after David Rose of Schitts Creek and he doesn't save money, he spends it.🤣

I drive a commercial vehicle for work so I sit pretty high up compared to most cars, and yes, from what I can see this law has not changed habits of the general public.

I've played flute for 50 years and within the last 10 years took up sax and clarinet. I don't know any good flute teacher that would use any part of the body to create resistance. That would just create tension in the body which doesn't help with flute sound.. my teacher was an advocate of Alexander technique which definitely would not advocate for resistance. The trick is to allow the air to flow at a measured, controlled level.i used to teach students to use a very lightweight piece of paper, such as a keypad paper and put it on a wall and gently blow on it as if blowing into the flute, to see how long it can stay on the wall.

When I had occupational therapy I was told my bicep was very tight and strtetches for that were part of the problem.

The very rich will never be hurt by public opinion.

This is called medical gaslighting. These doctors need to be facing legal consequences.

Is it the simple panel placed side by side that got customized?

Why? I agree but I would be interested in your why as a conservative.

I've heard of people being placed on anticoagulant for the time period before, during and after a flight, just to be safe, temporarily.

Someone I know in a subdivision has to keep their doors locked at all times because the boy who is about that age let's himself in and helps himself to the contents of their refrigerator. I know the parent of that child and she truly is a Karen.

I have a relative who went to the ER with intense abdominal pain. It was determined to be a kidney stone. Her "affordable Care act" insurance refused to pay stating that a kidney stone isn't an emergency warranting an ER visit.