Maybe you can ask about getting on warfarin. All you have to do is Google the disease and you will see a lot of information about how serious this is.

If you have APS and have clotted it is my understanding that you should be on blood thinners for life. It's unfortunate that none of the medical professionals near you are taking this serious. Maybe you can see a rheumatologist or a hematologist. It's hard because not a lot of doctors have experience with APS.

I think it is reasonable to get lovanox for your to your doctor.

You have to realize that they want you to use bonus rolls (scopely):so they make sure that you don't win. If you start to use bonus rolls you would probably get higher. You can buy your way up to level 6 with bonus rolls. I find if I restart turns and use bonus rolls I magically win. Not always but usually. So I don't think luck is involved I think it's a rigged game that will only allow you to win when you use bonus rolls. Every now and then you can get higher without using them but you are rewarded for it using bonus rolls because they want you to spend money on the game.

Yeah a lot of the games end up requiring too many bonus rolls then people don't play. That's why some of the games are not available anymore. I know I quit playing the kingdom because you had to use so many dice and it wasn't worth what you had to spend for what reward you were getting.

Just think about your parents would they want this for you? Would they want you not to take care of yourself? I know my mom would want me happy and healthy despite losing her. You are their legacy. I know it's hard and not easy.

Can you joke around and have it with you with her first name on it and say you're saving yourself 50 cents postage and hand it to her? If someone did that to me I wouldn't think anything of it..and laugh too. Even better if there is another person with you that you can hand theirs to them too and have just their first name on it too. I realize you still won't know her last name but she would get the invite.

I really dislike it and I feel like it is not intuitive at all. It took me forever to find the adventure map. I definitely feel like it is not better.

Yay for you and thanks for sharing

They are cheaper and I feel like a small drink from Dutch bro is as big as a grande from Starbucks.