My ever-failing new PC keeps crapping out.Tech Support

Almost every time I play Helldivers, anywhere from 10-50 minutes in, my entire PC goes black, it crashed, and the AMD tool pops up saying it was a driver timeout issue. Anyone know what the deal is? Also something, there's a background process called "AMD Host Application" that hogs tons (50% on startup of apps, 5-20% idly) of cpu usage that keeps coming back even when I end the task. I spent a lot of money on this computer, and I feel like it, or I, can never do anything right.

im literally the photo

I may just be overreacting, but is something up? This GPU is beefy as all hell but it's rendering a frame every minute and a half on the most recent donut tutorial. GPU is at incredibly low % but very high temps, and I'm getting concerned.

it's interpreting the question incorrectly, probably thinks its either "how long ago did you die" or "how many people did you kill" // even then, ive never seen a number past 2 digits so i think it just combined the two questions

it was on 483 after i died and i was practically praying that my sentries hit their shots.... they didnt

This was from Siphon Insight, interestingly enough

i feel bad for her, but the gaymer in me always betrays her cuz of that sweet sweet militech weaponry

One of the two Phantom Liberty end missions, where you betray (PL SPOILERS IDK HOW TO SPOILER TEXT ON REDDIT) Songbird, and one part of it is an alien isolation type encounter where you have to evade this unkillable robot controlled by the Blackwall

If i wanted to make my own stats, types, and abilities for my own mons, is there a reliable website, or should I just use google docs?

I've always wondered how goldcrackle would be interpreted

As someone who is in both the GD and the HK fandom, it can get worse.:angy:Discussion/Questions

Let's take Silksong. Since the initial reveal of Silksong, it has been exactly (I think) 1,709 days. A lot! But not even close to the most.
Hollow Knight itself was officially released 2,429 (I think) days ago.

Geometry Dash released over 10 years ago, but it's most recent UPDATE was released 2468 days ago.
(This isn't meant to be taken seriously btw ik team cherry isn't literally 1 guy)

7900 XTX/R7 7800X3D

This is a bit of a weird aesthetic, but dark purple&crows!