
r/PhasmophobiaGame183.8K subscribers25 active
Can somebody explain to me *exactly* how the Onryo's candle ability works?Discussion

I've played for about a year now with 350 hours and 4 Prestiges under my belt. But I genuinely don't know how the Onryo's candle shit works. No matter what test I've ran, I can't cause the special hunt. Had a game today where an Onryo blew out three candles back to back within 3 seconds, and yet no hunt. No crucifix burn. Nothing. There were only three candles too, so that's not it.

At this point, I'm convinced that Onryos don't even have a candle hunting ability.

Multiplayer amateurDiscussion

It's there a public room for amateur who wants to play multiplayer... I always end kick out of the public rooms :(

Crashing when Initializing text comes upBug

Been having this issue for a while, and I really wanna do a fun party with a few friends this weekend, but can't get the game to work, The game starts up and everything but when it says initializing that's when the unity engine for the game crashes, I've tried reinstalling, and verifying files with no luck, this is probably about the third time I have reinstalled the game.


Excuse me? Wtf is thisBug
by En___Passantprofessional dumbass
Best multipliers and settings to get a lot of XP fast as a beginnerDiscussion

Does anyone know any good game settings that gives a high multiplier but is good for beginners to use?

Weekly Challenge: Hide & Seek Extreme Tips?Discussion

What is everyone's approach for this challenge on Camp Woodwind?

For solo or in a crew.

How'd you go?

Onyro's SpeedQuestion

I use this(https://tybayn.github.io/phasmo-cheat-sheet/) site for help and it says default speed for onryo but for 2nd time a fast ghost which makes us eliminate onryo is being just it so what about that ghost in what circumstances it is fast

HOWWW !!!!Clips

So yesterday i was playing a game of phasmo normally and there was a hunt and which i escaped but there was an event after that and the ghost was following me into the van like howwww ??

It also appeared in the van for a few seconds and dissappeared


Phasmophobia Discussion

Does anybody want to play phasmo right now

Looping the ghost Question

What's the best way to practice looping a ghost I'm really bad at it

nice phantom devs, reallyBug

died to a phatom ik cringe, but:

see anything suscpicious?

a little help :D

because you know, phantoms do appear in photos :DD:D:D:D:D:D:DD::DD

on a serious note: the photo in question was marked 2 stars and was disturbed salt, maybe phantoms are erased from pictures that are of them and them alone, but they give you false positives when something else is in the frame. Has this occured to anyone else?

New to phasmo too scared to play by myself Discussion

Basically lookin for some cool cats to play with and show me the ropes

disconnected client timeoutBug

I just bought the game for my girlfriend and we managed to play 3 or 4 games together before this error started to show up. Every time I make a game she joins we start the game and when she is about to join the map the errors pops up. I tried deleting the cache and nothing the error persists. Can somebody please help me fix it?

can you see goryo dots if a player dies in the ghost room?Discussion

I was playing at intermediate with my friends and one of them died in the ghost room while using the voodoo doll,and i had the dots with camera setup in the living room of willow street,but we werent able to see the dots for the entire game while being inside the van for majority of the time(maybe 10-15mins).

We all are pretty new players so maybe i am missing something but i never once saw the dots and guessed goryo based on it not leaving the ghost room as none of the motion sensors outside of the room were triggered.

I am guessing it maybe because my friend died in the ghost room as the goryo wont show up if someone is in the room?
