Yeah 'kale' is great, and people shouldn't be putting 'kale' in smoothies. I also like 'cucumber' and 'lettuce.'

How do I hide my chest when playing cricket?

I want to start playing cricket. Not anything big right now since I'm a complete beginner, but just playing it at the park with friends or family.

I really hate my chest, though. It's really big and I'm a skinny guy so it doesn't just look like I've got many boobs*. Apparently you're not supposed to bind while exercising so I can't do that, and KT tape/trans tape barely does anything for me unless I pair it with really loose clothing. I'm really worried that my chest will move around a lot whilst running, even with a sports bra, and it'll just distract me from the game because I'm so uncomfortable.

Does anyone know how I can make my chest flatter whilst playing cricket, or any sport for that matter?

*edit: manboobs. I meant manboobs. Autocorrect sucks.

Little Monster 🧟

Age dreaming is when you surround yourself with childlike items and engage in childlike activities- e.g colouring or watching a kids' TV show- but don't actually mentally regress :)

Idk I guess I just see a lot of people saying men are gross (mostly from girls in my school), and also people using the terms traditional masculinity and toxic masculinity and it kinda got to me

Is it okay if I'm traditionally masculine?Advice

I mean I like some stuff that's not considered masculine. Like musicals, and fashion to an extent.

But I want to get into shooting and possibly hunting (I want to research the legal and environmental aspects first), when I get the money for equipment I'm going to learn to play cricket, I'm buying whittling stuff soon, I'd love to join scouts, I wish I could've been more 'rough and tumble' when I was a kid, I love getting dirty, I love doing things with my hands, etc. I know this stuff isn't limited to men, but I definitely associate it with my own masculinity.

Is this bad? Maybe not the masculinity part, but the fact that I see it as a core part of myself and it's very stereotypical, is that bad?


I prefer transsexual because I'm changing my sex, not my gender. I've always been a guy, just a guy who happens to have a body that looks female.

Eating KFC with the bones (as in I don't get it boneless, I don't eat the bones lol). Idk why, it just makes me really euphoric lol.

Also looking at my reflection after I get out of the bath (I'm short so only my head is really visible) and slicking back my wet hair.

DanTDM, or that one channel where they did Villager News (I forgot the channel name)

I agree, and as a Brit I'd like to apologise for that "show"

15M | Nerdd with a cool hat!

Real, I could say mint choc chip 24/7 and never get tired of it

I remember it vaguely but not what it was about. I was 10 when it came out tho. I mostly remember Jenna, idk when that came out tho

Might be able to get a "job"!

First I kinda feel the need to apologise for posting here so much lol. I know I shouldn't, but anyway sorry for posting so much haha.

I'm really excited, because I might be able to earn some money. I put "job" in quotes because it'll either be through selling stuff I whittle (obviously I'll need to practice, but if I get good enough I want to) or working for my uncle, but it's something. And hopefully I'll be able to get enough money to get a new binder, maybe a swim binder too, packing stuff, etc. And this one may be pushing it a little, but hopefully I'll be able to start saving for hrt and top surgery, maybe bottom surgery in the future. I know I'm only 15 and trans healthcare in the UK sucks rn, but if I start earning money now then hopefully I'll be able to go private when I turn 18.

I'm also just really excited to be able to have a little more responsibility

Struggling with name

There's a name I really love. It's not super popular at the moment and might be a little old fashioned (not old fashioned as in old man name, just not super popular for my specific age group), but it's not super out there either. And I really love the name, I made another Reddit account to be stealth on and I refer to myself as this name and it makes me so happy.

But it's my uncle's middle name, and I don't think he or my mum would be happy with me having it as my first name. What should I do?


I don't know my height

Started waking up earlier than mum, what should I do?🤔 NeedAdvice

I'm 15, used to really struggle with sleep but suddenly started getting up at around 6:00-6:30AM. My mum usually wakes up later than 8:00.

The problem with this is it means need to sit down with my dog for a couple of hours after I wake up, because otherwise he'll run upstairs and wake up my mum. So I can't eat breakfast, have a workout and then get in the shower right away, I have to wait a few hours to do that. Which is annoying, because I was hoping I'd be able to be more productive when I wake up early.

Does anyone know what I should do?

Edit: My mum doesn't want me to go out that early, so I can't take the dog for a walk

15M | Nerdd with a cool hat!

Yes, with certain restrictions. We have a lot of restrictions in the UK (no, guns aren't completely banned like some people think), and I think that's good.

Little Monster 🧟

Hello :)

For abbreviations, there's agereg or agere (age regression); agedre (age dreaming); cglre (caregiver little regression- don't use cgl though, that's nsfw); and that's all I can think of for now.

For gear, you don't need any BUT depending on how old you regress to you might be able to get away with some stuff. It's not completely out of the ordinary for a teen to have teddies (I'm 15M and have loads lol), and you could watch older kid shows (like gravity falls) and just say it's for nostalgia, or you could say your friend is really into it. And you might be able to get away with buying 'childish' snacks, like animal crackers and hello pandas (they're really tasty).

I just thought "wafflehorsecruisethumbsdownsleep"

Which is kind of a long name