r/FTMMen39.4K subscribers12 active
A reminder of the rules for participating in r/FTMMEN

It's that time of year again, gents. There has been a HUGE increase in rule breaking as of late, and our small mod team has been struggling to keep on top of reports and out-of-control threads & comments; as such, we would like you to all take the time to review our set of rules and the reasons they are there.

Please note that breaking these rules will result in mod action. The rules are here in service of our community of binary trans men.

Important to note

This is a support sub whose primary audience is binary trans men. The needs and support of this audience will always be prioritized over other demographics, and the rule set is designed specifically to achieve this. They also prioritize the safety of our community over the actions of individuals, please take note of this.

Our approach

One of the key features of the FTMMEN community that so many participants enjoy and respect is that the community is largely self-moderating. This means that users engage with each other in good faith and with respect, even when disagreeing, and productive discussions can occur without the dramatic escalation seen in many other parts of the broader trans community.

For this to function correctly, we do require people to open discussions in good faith and according to the rules and respond to each other in good faith. When this works well, we don't need to "over-moderate" the sub with harm reduction in mind; users being able to resolve disagreements with each other using empathy and understanding is what separated this community from many others. There was and is an expectation that discussions here happen as though participants are grown men or intend to eventually be.

When this fails, appropriate use of the report function is incredibly useful for bringing harmful conduct to the attention of our very small mod team. We encourage you all to use the report function to bring our attention to rule breaking and bad actors that we may have missed (we are all men in our 30s and beyond with busy working lives, we do miss things). Please do not use this feature to harass people or to flag content you simply disagree with; reserve it for rulebreakers and bad actors.

It's worth noting that we will take action against repeated or flagrant rulebreakers, whether or not you are our target demographic.

The Rules

1. This is a sub for binary trans men.

Our target demographic is trans men who identify as men. Of the trans community, it is us who have traditionally been pushed out of the broader community and treated poorly overall; this space is intended to prioritize our needs and offer support, and this demographic, our demographic, is prioritized over all others here.

  • This DOES NOT mean that other demographics cannot participate. Read that again. We do not ban other demographics for simply existing in this space. That is not how Reddit works, and that is not how this sub works. Your needs are prioritized over these other demographics, though, and we moderate them more harshly than our own community.
  • This DOES NOT mean that non-binary people are barred from participating. Read that again. This DOES NOT mean that they will be prioritized in any way; that privilege is reserved for YOU. Keep in mind that, with all of the above, our community is regarded as a safer, more mature, more reasoned and more factually driven space than many other trans spaces, and that some (but not all) of our discussions include things that are relevant to other trans demographics.

The point is that you do not need to modify your language to be inclusive in this space, and you do not need to deliberately make space for broader trans demographics here. Your needs are prioritized.

The reason for this is simple: some binary trans men discover their identity via identifying as non-binary for a time. You've all seen how trans men are treated. We cannot deny these men a seat at one of the few tables designed for them just because they haven't quite figured themselves out yet. Let them figure it out. Most of them are here because they're asking big questions of themselves.

There are also cis partners and family members and supporters that quietly read this content -this is how Reddit works. They are all held to a higher standard of conduct if they choose to participate, and we scrutinize that participation more than we do for our target demographic.

All this to say: DO NOT POLICE AND GATEKEEP. We will redirect your attention to this rule.

2. Don't be a dick to other people based on their opinions, experiences, or characteristics.

We seem to be enforcing this one a lot more in the last year or so, and it's traditionally been the one we've had to enforce the most. This is disappointing, as adhering to it is the reason our sub has enjoyed such a positive reputation among adults.

To make it abundantly clear:

  • Do not call people names
  • Do not deliberately trigger peoples' dysphoria
  • Do not pass judgement or harass people over their individual choices in transition, not limited to: sexuality and sexual behaviour; clothing and presentation choices; surgery choices; disclosure choices; access to tools; any other part of their specific demographic
  • DO NOT HARASS MEMBERS OF THIS SUB. This includes sending harassment via direct message. If we receive quantifiable evidence of this behaviour, it will result in a ban and reports to Reddit staff.

3. Please help others avoid potentially difficult content.

This is a support sub first and foremost, and many people seek assistance and advice with difficult content. This is absolutely allowed - it's the purpose of this sub.

However, some people are not in a space where they can handle these discussions, but still wish to participate in the sub overall. We ask that if the topic you're raising contains difficult or triggering content, please add a CW or TW in your post title, use the NSFW flag if appropriate, and consider using the Spoiler feature as well.

This allows people to opt in and keeps posts on topic rather than devolving into arguments about participation.

If you are in the position of not wanting to see certain content, please know that you can scroll on. Place the onus of what you read onto yourself, not others.

4. This is not a debate subreddit.

This is the one we are most aggressively enforcing at the moment, because the most egregious rule breaking is happening here. This is not a debate subreddit. **Read that again. **

  • Do not post complaints about other subreddits or other trans spaces. This is not a complaints hotline, this is a support sub. Not only do these posts drag the entire mod team on deck at all hours of the night to moderate the absolute disaster comments threads that happen here, it also risks our sub being brigaded by other communities.
  • Do not post topics/questions purely for debate. **Read that again. ** This includes speculation about other parts of the trans community, asking spicy questions that you KNOW are rage fuel, posting policing or gatekeeping. You're almost guaranteed a ban if you do this.
  • Do not post hot takes about exclusionary topics.

5. Selfies & Pics

Self explanatory. This has been a rule for a very long time. Thank you all for abiding by this one.

6. This sub is not for dating or hookups.

Most of you are sane enough to follow this one. This rule is so we can perma-ban and report chasers; please use this one in your reports when you see skeevy behaviour.

7. No call out threads.

This should be self-explanatory, but we've been deleting more of these of late. Thus, we will be enforcing this one more strictly.

This sub is not for: calling out other users; reopening locked threads and topics; transferring threads from one sub to ours; continuing arguments from comments sections; calling out other subs.

Failure to abide by this rule will result in mod action, and it suggests to us that you feel entitled to exist outside of our rule set. We don't take kindly to this.

8. Suicide and crisis management.

Please use this rule to flag our attention if someone is seriously struggling. We can direct users to sources of help, or discuss with them ourselves.

If you have the spoons or experience, please reach out to people who are struggling too. It's safe to say the vast majority of trans men have been in dark places. Any and all help with uplifting people who are struggling is enormously appreciated.

If you are struggling yourself, please know you're not alone and there are many among us who can help you move to better places one step at a time.

9. No posts or comments promoting hateful ideology.

We have been increasing our enforcement of this one as this rule is being broken with increasing frequency.

To make it explicitly clear: do not gatekeep users' gender, sex, sexuality or identity on this sub; do not post TERF, incel or politically extreme content; do not decide for others who is and isn't trans; do not engage in racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia or any other form of bigotry on this sub.

Why this post?

Again, there has been an incredible amount of rule breaking as of late, and it has created a more hostile, more toxic environment on this sub. We have been moderating significantly more over the holiday period as reports and nonsense flood in, and we've had to issue an exponential number of thread locks and bans in the last few weeks. A small portion of it has been trolling, but the vast majority has, disappointingly, been members of our own community acting completely out of hand.

If you're struggling over this holiday period, or in general, you have a place at this table and you CAN ask for support - whether that's practicable actions, or emotional support. What you CANNOT do is take out your frustrations on this sub.

Thank you to everyone who has been participating in earnest and making this community the safe, reliable, reasoned place it's been known for across Reddit for many years now. As long as we continue to keep things on track and behave as we expect of men, we will be able to resume community self-moderation instead of the long arm of the mod team.

Pinnedby AutoModerator
What causes passing men to suddenly stop passing?Discussion

Over the years of being active on Reddit I've come across a handful of posts and comments from trans men that say that they've been stealth and passing for a long time (sometimes only a few years, sometimes over a decade) only to suddenly no longer pass as well. What causes this? It's getting me paranoid. Last thing I want is to live as a man for years only to start randomly be perceived as female again. It sounds like a fucked up nightmare.

PSA: Don’t be like me. Please.Binders/Binding

PSA to everyone here who wears a binder: please don’t be like me and wear your binder 24/7. IT’S NOT FUCKING WORTH IT.

So I have dealt with massive amounts of chest dysphoria for YEARS. After I found out about binders and bought my first, I pretty much never took them off. I only really did so to shower and sleep, but eventually, I started wearing them to bed too. Now I’m trying to break that habit, but most days I completely forget to take it off. I don’t take binder breaks, and there’s MAYBE 1-2 days a MONTH that I don’t actually wear it. And… I used to wear multiple binders at once. 3, sometimes even 4.

Initially, I thought I was fine; no pain meant no issues, after all. I wasn’t hurting, I wasn’t sore, I wasn’t uncomfortable… nothing.

But because of that negligence, my body’s now paying the price. And oh my god. I’m sitting here right now in a world of pain. It genuinely feels like my ribcage’s been crushed. And that’s without the binder on.

I graduate high school in less than two weeks. After that, I’ll finally get the chance to take at LEAST a few days away from binding. I’m probably going to wait a week or a few weeks to wear one again (and if I do, it’s going to be an older, oversized one).

To all of you out there who wear binders, use me as an example of what not to do. The dysphoria isn’t fucking worth it. I know it’s hard, but don’t overdo it. There’s a very good chance I’ve caused permanent damage to my ribs, and I’ll likely have to deal with this for the rest of my life.

Guys, BE SAFE ABOUT HOW YOU WEAR YOUR BINDERS!!! Please! Take breaks throughout the day. Take breaks throughout the week. Make sure you’re getting an accurately sized binder (and not sizing down for compression purposes!). Don’t sleep in your binder.

Please just… don’t be like me. Soothing the dysphoria is not worth breaking your body just to do so.

Is the name 'Laith' clocky?Names

I've been going by this name for four years. For context, I'm not white but I live in England. My family are Muslim and all have Arabic names. My deadname means baby lioness in Arabic and Laith means baby lion in Arabic (the male version of the meaning I guess) which is part of why I chose it. Pretty sure Laith spelt with an 'e' has another meaning in another language too.

I guess people think it sounds like a made up unique name though, and I see what they mean. I know there's a trans celebrity called Laith Ashley too, which I've only realised somewhat recently. That's part of my concern as well.

I've never thought about changing my name before this and I've never been clocked over it, but recently some people in a Discord server told me that it's a very clocky/'nonbinary or queer sounding' name (after I told them I'm trans) and that I should stick with something like 'James' or something more common. Not to mention, my mother doesn't seem to like the name 'Laith' either.


Why has T not done much for me?Help/support

I’ve been on testosterone since July last year. My t levels are good, 822 last I was checked, but I just don’t feel like that much has changed. I still don’t pass, like, 99% of the time. I think I’ve only passed to… maybe five people? At the most, honestly. I have more hair (facial and body), my voice is deeper, etc. but I don’t feel like I’ve changed nearly as much as I see other people changing after being almost a year on t. I don’t know what to do to make myself pass better. The other day at the grocery store, someone referred to me as “he” and I was excited, but then she fully looked at me and said “oh, she, I’m so sorry!” I wanted to cry. I just got top surgery so maybe that will help, but I don’t know if it will… I thought, naively, that once I got on t things would get better. I thought people would start gendering me correctly and I wouldn’t feel like shit all the time. My trans friends have told me they don’t know how I don’t pass, but maybe they’re biased because they know I’m a guy. I’m just so frustrated and I feel so much self hatred because of this. I just want to be seen as a man and not be constantly misgendered. I will very occasionally wear more feminine shirts I think are cute if I’m feeling more confident, so I understand a little more then, but even when I’m dressing super masc, I just don’t pass.

Is FtMpassing honest?Passing

I'm 19yo, 19 months on T, and post-top and I pass currently. However, I also live in a conservative area where a butch lesbian could pass as a man.

I've posted on FtMpassing and transpassing a few times in the past to ask if I was clockable to them. Mostly because I plan on moving to a more liberal area for work. I shared my age, height, pictures, and videos (with my voice). I get told no, I pass and I'm not clockable each time. Nice, that's comforting. But it also sounds too good to be true. A trans sub, full of trans people, wouldn't clock a 5'2" soft faced man? Maybe I've got brain worms. I just feel like they're being too nice or something. I wish there was a way I could tell by myself if I'm clocky or not. I guess I'll find out once I move. If I get asked for my pronouns or not I guess I'll know.

ETA: I guess someone shouldn't make a post like this without showing what they look/sound like. For those who are curious. Although you may have seen me before since I have posted on those passing subs.

EDIT 2: It has come to my attention that it is common for cis-passing trans men to humblebrag/complement fish and post fully knowing they pass. I am NOT doing this. I genuinely think that while I pass, I'm not "cis-passing", just borderline passing. I could be dead wrong, idk. We're our own worst critics. But I am not trying to upset anyone or gain any praise. I apologize if I gave off those vibes.

dad mad about taking me to surgeryHelp/support

i’m a 20 year old trans guy. my top surgery is on thursday, i made this date in april. my girlfriend has been enrolled in a strict dog training course to expand her work and she pre paid a lot of money for a spot months before i got a surgery date, and we talked about this and i told her it was okay, i can have someone else take me as long as she comes and sees me while i’m in recovery because i’m gonna need her support and love.

i love with my dad and his wife. this started less than a year ago because i was basically exiled out of my house by my mom and had no stable home for about six months. my gf pushed limits with her own parents to try to get me to stay with her which only lasted a few months because her mother was extremely transphobic and doesn’t support her daughter in any ways even besides that. so much bs. i even ended up living with my boss for a while because i was out of places to go after college ended. then i reconnected w my dad.

i was on a waitlist for top surgery for about a year by the time i brought this up to him. i told him i had a plan to stay with my friend to recover and everything so that he wouldn’t have to worry since he had a lot going on with his wife’s surgeries and stuff. he was angry about mg surgery because he doesn’t see the importance of it blah blah. fast forward a few months he told me he doesn’t want me staying with my friend and it’s stupid of me to go that route since he is a medical professional himself and knows what to look out for post surgery. so he told me to recover at home and that he would take off the day of since my girlfriend was unable.

it’s been about a month since this decision was final. we have fought before about his stance on trans people when i’ve tried to educate him about my experience of dysphoria. he’s gone into so much depth about my genitals and how i’ll never be a man and trans women are predatory blah blah, which literally has nothing to do with me. last night i left to go to my gfs house because she had a surprise planned for me for today. he sent me mass texts about how she is so selfish and i should be a priority to her and how now he has to take off and impact his work for a surgery she should take me to. then he went on about how i’m making poor life choices and he won’t give into my manipulative intent after i asked him why he was being so mean. he replied “because you left abruptly for bullshit reasons”. he then went on to say that i use him , disrespect his feelings, act out because i’m self consumed and not to start with the “bullshit narrative” that i’ll “figure out a different ride”.

he said soooo much more, and when i told him i need space and my feelings are hurt and we’re just hurting each other he said okay leave on an open ended note “i’m used to it.” i’m so tired bro and i try to be respectful and kind and helpful around the house. he drinks constantly but i don’t know if he was drunk this time, he was in the hot tub before i left so i didn’t think it was a big deal leaving at night rather than 6 am like i originally planned.

he prides himself all the time about how “he’s not the one to fuck with” and he’ll “tell it like it is”. i did literally nothing to provoke this besides telling him i’m leaving for her house and that i love him. but yet i cry so bad when this happens because he tells me i’m so manipulative and self consumed to the point i start believing it. it flashes everything back to my mom and how she ignored every single cry for help i’ve ever given about my mental health and said i was just dramatic and manipulative for attention. please help

Oh, how the turntables turntable

It's 1am and my transphobic boss is "accidently" texting me thirst traps.

"Omg, I have more than one Eric in my phone. I'm so embarrassed."

Lmao yeah whatever.

All I can do is chuckle and remember how I heard her tell a coworker she'd never date or even be attracted to a transman.

Look at her horny ass now.

Last week she said I'm gonna shadow you tomorrow.

Joking, I said that's cool if you make me lunch.

She showed up with sandwiches and fruit salad for us both. Then somehow that meant I owed her a drink, but I haven't committed to a day/time.

So I'd bet my left nut she knew exactly who she was sending those pics to.

I'm not going to act on anything with her. I just think it's funny she doesn't know she's lusting after exactly the type of man she said she'd never find attractive.

Sidenote, boss is thick af. Pray for me yall. Monday is going to be a day. I swear I try to live a quiet life

I don't know anything about my personal anatomy and I'm embarrassedHelp/support


For reference, I'm talking about my vagina. I'm 17, and have been on T since August of 2020. I can't remember the last time I looked at it or even know what it looks like.

I kind of only realized this when I came across a tool that helps STP more comfortable, and I was reading the instructions. I know what my T dick looks like, but I don't know how to pleasure myself. I don't know where anything is, and I believe it's partly based on the fact that I've never had a period so I never had to examine that area closely. Also, my school didn't know what SexEd to put me in so they decided to just not give me one.

I'm embarrassed that I've given through life this long and haven't had the guts to fully explore myself. Even now, I know that I need to and I know there are infinite resources available to learn, but I'm scared.

binder back acneBinders/Binding

What can I do to help with it? right now I wear a spectrum light binder so that at least my back is exposed more and isnt covered by a binder entirely, but its still pretty bad😭 its only where my binder is💔

Binder break isnt an option, I dont use trans tape and refuse to use it, im like 99% sure im allergic to it and it doesnt stick

right now ive been using witch hazel and an acne body wash (Ive also purchased body acne spray but that hasnt come in yet)

Sports groin protectors/boxes after testicular implants?

Hi, bit of a random question (with some post surgery mentions ahead) but I'm hoping someone here has been in the same situation!

Have any other guys found it hard to get sports groin protectors/cups/boxes/[whatever you want to call a hard plastic thing to put over your junk to stop it getting whacked] that fit correctly after surgery? I had meta with fairly solid testicular implants, late last year.

Probably a bit TMI, one nut often doesn't sit right anyway... but squeezing them into a small, cheap and cheerful cup scaled for the rest of my body is often pretty uncomfortable, especially if I drive wearing it. Going up a size and buying a fancier martial arts one has been disproportionately large though, and I don't want to look like I'm perpetually very happy to see people!

I fence, so I appreciate ones specifically marketed as being for my sport are pretty niche and very limited in choice already, but ones used for cricket or martial arts would also be suitable, and I'd be interested to hear what solutions people in other sports have come up with too.

Has anyone been in the same boat, and managed to find something that works?

(I live in England, and would prefer not to have to import one from elsewhere if possible)

Public restroomsDiscussion

Heya everyone. I've noticed that lots of trans guys wonder if it's safe to use the men's public toilets. I've never been confronted with the issue myself since I live in a queer friendly country (Belgium). Would you mind sharing your experiences vis-à-vis the public bathroom issue? And how it's related to where you live? I'm really curious how you deal with it.

Although I say that Belgium is queer friendly, I have to add that we have elections coming up next sunday. Right wing will probably get a lot of votes which scares the hell out of me. All parties but right wing have maintained a cordon sanitaire since the nineties, which means that every party but right wing promised to never form a government with right wing. I hope they will be able to keep the cordon bc everywhere in Europe LGBTQI+ rights are being attacked 😞

Clocked over my name Names

I'm a little over 2.5 years on T now, consistently pass and am stealth except for people who knew me pre-t. Yesterday I was hanging out with my friend at the cafe he works at, waiting for him to finish closing. He said my name at some point and his coworker was like "that's such a cool name, it's one of my friend's too." My name is Callum, since I have an Irish last name. She paused for a few seconds and I thought that'd be the end of it, I've gotten compliments on my name before and am used to it. But then she said "I'm not assuming you're trans or anything but its a common name for trans men from what I've seen."

Tbh I thought about this for the rest of the night when me and my friend were at a party. He was like "keep your head up, she's a 30 y/o polyamorous woman so she just knows too much" but I thought I'd be clear from getting clocked. I also haven't seen anything about this being a common trans name?? I know cis men with uncommon names like Corbin, Carrie. Literally earlier that day I was thinking if my name was too weird and if I should change it even though I recently got it legally changed, even though I've felt fine about it before. I worry I made the mistake of picking some dumb name that is too weird in the US :(

Transition CostsGeneral

I'm a teenager living in a strict transphobic household and so I probably won't be able to transition until I move out--which I will do as soon as possible. I will also transition as soon as possible and I'm wondering how much I should start saving. In general, how expensive were you guys transitions, especially for those living in the US? Google searches give me too many varied answers, so I'll ask people who really have paid for transition: How much is testosterone? How much is a hysterectomy? How much is top surgery? How much was phalloplasty? How much are legal name/sex changes?

Disclosing to Potential DatesnsfwComing Out/Disclosing

This isn’t 100% NSFW but wasn’t sure so I marked it as such just to be safe.

I’ve been stealth for several years now and have recently gotten back into dating. My last relationship we met at a trans event prior to me being completely stealth so I have never really had to deal with disclosing to a potential partner before.

I’m doing the dating apps thing, have been talking to this person for a few days now not sure when I plan on telling them but wanted to get a feel for others opinion on the topic.

The person I am talking to happens to also be trans however they disclosed that publicly on their profile whereas I didn’t. I am not sure if that changes anyone’s opinion on the timeline of disclosure or if I should have already told them.

With not dating in quite awhile and being autistic I’m struggling to know when the right time is but also not disclosing too soon as I’m not even sure it’s going to go anywhere.

Thanks for the help.

Transition timeline?Help/support

Ok so at 18-19 I wanna move to a different country to get my bachelors there,ik that in my free time(or just take a few hours off) I can schedule appointments to go to a clinic and get prescribed hrt however I'm more confused abt surgery.When did you have top surgery,were you employed at the time or were you in a undergraduate/graduate education program?

This concerns me because as far as I'm aware most countries require at least top surgery to change your legal gender and I don't wanna go around telling ppl ,,Um actually I'm a dude" if they see my legal documents or if I do I want it to be for as little time as possible.

Hooking up shouldn’t be this hardnsfwVent/Rant

I consider myself bisexual, but only romantically attracted to women. I enjoy getting physical and having fun with others and with the amount of apps out there for it, it shouldn’t be this hard lol

Grindr is such a mess for many reasons, but the main one is flakes. It’s about impossible for find someone that actually wants to meet up. They just quit talking, block, or excuse after excuse. I’m even on a particular kink app for those only into said kink. I’m getting the same results there!

I don’t get how we’re both finding each other attractive, know what we wanna do to each other, and can’t get both to commit. It’s fucking frustrating.

I do have a regular fun friend though, but she is a sex worker. Honestly, she should’ve been the hardest person to hook up because she’s a stripper. Never asks for extra tips and she’s made the moves on me to do more. While she is great to play with, she’s more of a once or twice a month thing due to money being involved.

All I want is to fool around lol

how do I get back to my "natural" voiceVoice/Singing

over the years pre T I have perfected making my voice sound deeper. now that I'm on T I'd like to see the genuine results without my "faking" in the way ig? sometimes when I try it's like I'm purposely making it higher. does anyone have any tips

How to reduce libido?

I’ve been on t for a year and a half and I feel horny all the time. It doesn’t really go away after I masturbate, I just feel like shit. Being horny and not having someone reciprocate makes me feel fucking awful and creepy and completely unattractive . Masturbating makes me feel gross and dysphoric.

How do I make myself less horny? I am genuinely considering stopping T.

Exercising with trans tapeBinders/Binding

Am i allowed to exercise with trans tape on? Also is there a limit to how long i can wear it for?

I need some ideasHelp/support

Alrighty boys I need ya help. I'm moving to NH to be with my boyfriend and my aunt wants me to talk to my father before I leave. My father and I don't have a relationship and he ignored my transition. He still uses my dead name and refers to me as his daughter. I set some boundaries and told him I'm a guy and to please refer to me as my new legal name. He left me on read. This was back in December.

I decided that I don't want to talk to him on the phone or visit but I'm going to send a letter. I want to lay into him on how he expects me to honor him (he's Christian) but he hasn't been a real part of my life. He knows nothing about me nor shows any interest. He always talks about himself and his problems. Last October I went to visit him after us not seeing each other for four years. He didn't show any interest in what I've been up to. He doesn't even know that I have a boyfriend.

I want to send him a card with my letter. The card would be a It's a Boy card and I'll come out to him again and make things clear. I also want to be petty and lay into him about how he wasn't a real father and was just a sperm donor.

Any ideas? What else should I send him? I want him to reflect on what of father he's been.

Fuller facial hair?Facial Hair

Hello wtf do i do about my facial hair? i’m 3 years on T now and i’m grateful to even have a stache and a growing beard and all, but my mustache actually looks unpleasant to me. I wouldn’t wanna be without it, but it feels patchy and uneven no matter what i do. Should i dye it completely black? My hair is dark dark brown almost black but no box dye matches my color and if i dye it dark brown it just gets super light after a while idk why ? So it ends up being lighter than my hair. I think it’s cuz my mustache hair is pretty thin compared to my beard. This is what bothers me most. What can I do to thicken my stache ?

Minoxidil is probably not the right solution because 1. I can’t get it into my routine cuz of adhd and 2. my issue isn’t that it’s not growing, it’s just not growing thick. I’m a middle eastern guy and my dad can grow a full thick beard so i’m blessed with the genes it just doesn’t show up that way. Will this change? Do i have to shave it off and let it regrow? I’m pretty sure facial hair doesn’t grow out thicker when you shave it right?

It bothers me because it feels like the texture of my mustache doesnt fit my face or the rest of my facial hair. So it looks fake if that makes sense.

Thanks guys

Top Surgery Post-Care Alone? Top surgery: DI

Hi, I wanted to ask from people who have done top surgery and recovered solely or with not much help from others, how long was your recovery/how quickly could you do things alone? How early could you be safely completely alone? I am scheduled for the 11th of July and I do think I can get transporation to and from the center.

But I am expected to be somerwhere July 26th to the 28th. Am I delusional for thinking I can be completely okay before then? Thank y'all so much. Also any advice would be appreciated!

Selling a brand new MorMe Original 10cm Cut Packer in skin tone B, Morme harness includedPacking/STP

Selling because the harness didn't fit my body type but the packer was too small for my cakebandit harness. Absolutely perfect otherwise, love the packer realism so I'm buying myself the next size up in the Morme basic instead.

Photos from all angles (with proof they're my photos) and more info on my recent posts in transmascdicks and transstore.

Feel free to comment or DM me for any questions or more photos of the packer. Selling for £120 for both the packer and harness since both are brand new in perfect condition. Free shipping in the UK. Can ship internationally if buyer pays for it, will only ship with royal mail tracked for garuntee it arrives safely and insurance if anything goes wrong in transit. Costs for international tracked shipping for small parcels start at £12 and go up to £21.85 for parcels under 500g which should be what this fits into.

Cis people and idiotic bathroom takes Discussion

Some guy I know was telling me all about how bathrooms should be based of genitals and nothing else. Going on about how he'd beat the shit out of any "man" (referring to trans women) he saw "follow a woman into the bathroom." He dragged this up out of nowhere.

First off, nobody wants to see a passing trans man in the woman's room.

Second, do cis people think women's bathrooms are maximum security prisons? Do they not realise that a man could just walk in there without transitioning to female?

Sorry to beat this topic further into the ground. I'm just once again amazed by the lack of critical thinking skills of people on the far right.

Do you guys “class” yourselves as a male?

I put myself into the male category, personally.

I’m 23, I’m 7 years on testosterone, 5 years post top surgery, and 2 years post phallo.

(IMO trans men do not need to do all this for them to be in the male category)

I’ve got genitalia that fit into the male category My hormonal sex is that of a male.

I get male privilege, etc.

I of course know the things I’ve listed aren’t required to be a man/male.

Many studies have said that trans men on testosterone are closer to biological males than they are female (in medical situations, etc)

I feel like I can, and any other trans men who want to, can call themselves a male and it be the truth.

Male has also got two definitions, male relating to genetic sex (chromosomes), male referring to gender, or somebody opposite to the female gender.

But I do honestly believe trans men are closer to biological males than they are females. And that putting trans men in the female category is just completely incorrect.

Would love to know your opinion on this