Good clean love almost naked lube. I’ve found it works better with silicone than hard plastic.

Dilator PSADilators

Today I made it to my last dilator! For almost a year I was stuck on dilators smaller than my finger and was unable to make any progress. Then I decided to switch from hard plastic dilators to silicone ones, and within 3 months I made it from the smallest to the biggest dilator (in a 5 piece set). This all is to say that if you’ve been plateauing for a while, maybe try and switch up the dilators you use— the ones you have might not be best suited for your body.

How does recycling get picked up?Housing

Excuse my ignorance, I’ve only ever lived in apartment buildings where we didn’t put our trash outside. I assumed my recycling would be picked up when my trash was picked up but it seems that me and all my neighbors’ recycling piles are all still outside. Do they get picked up on a separate day or should I do something with them? Also, animals always tear apart my garbage bags when I leave them out for collection, is there some way you all have found to combat this?

Trash pickup Discussion

My trash day is Wednesday but it was not picked up yesterday, I assume due to Juneteenth. Will I have to wait another whole week for it to be picked up?

Keeping makeup cool[Makeup Help]

I am having a heatwave where I live and I have no AC. I am wondering if it’s better to keep my makeup out in my house where temperatures are reaching 90°F (32°C) or if I should put them in the refrigerator or something. There is nowhere cool in my house that I can leave it. Is the fridge too cold?

Tocca Colette, without even seeing the bottle my bf told me I smell purple

My mom has always been the one calling pads gross 😕 ever since I was 12 and first got my period she’s been trying to get me to use tampons and shaming me for not wanting to

Best/cheapest WiFi in area Recommendation

I just moved into a house here on the west side and I was wondering which internet providers you guys use. I think Verizon offered plans of like $60 or $80 a month which seems a bit steep. Does anyone know a provider which has good internet for less than $60 a month?

I second this. Had those same dilators for almost a year and couldn’t get past #3. Switched to silicone and instantly jumped 3 sizes past where I was with the vuva ones.

I was 9 years old getting dental surgery, sort of woke up, but it felt like a dream where I was in lumpy space from adventure time and I could see the hands of the surgeon and assistants hovering over me. Couldn’t do anything about it or alert them in any way bc I wasn’t fully awake.

Do not go to Go! Physical therapy, terrible experience there

So they wouldn’t be by the rest of the trash bags? I have to specifically ask at checkout?

I came here to comment the same thing but for me the initial spray is terrible— screechy chemically sunscreen and then a beautiful orange creamsicle dry down. I ended up retuning it bc I couldn’t stand the first hour or so with it on.

Disappointed with snifReview :upvote::downvote:

I have been eyeing crumb couture for months but couldn’t pull the trigger on a full size. I saw recently that they created a mini size so I bought it, and I was sure I would love it on me. However, it just arrived and it smells like incense. I hate incense and anything smoky! I’m not getting any croissant smell except for a little berry in the opening. I know I should have bought the full size so I could return it but I just physically couldn’t bring myself to spend the $65. Does anyone know where I could sell this bottle now?

Period blood texture Period Question

I was wondering if my period blood texture is normal. I don’t really get liquid blood, more like bloody goop. I’ve worn a tampon a few times and it feels like the blood doesn’t actually penetrate the tampon bc it’s too thick. When I pull it out it’s usually surrounded by bloody goop just sitting on the surface, and the tampon doesn’t really expand. If it matters I do have PCOS and am on birth control, but my blood has been this texture for as long as I can remember.

I used nothing but a coconut balm dot com all the time for one summer and it lasted 2 months

The instructions tell you to wash them before using. That god rid of the smell for me.

Well the thing is I have made progress. Before my terrible experience with the PT I made it to the 3rd (out of 8) size in my dilator set but plateaued. Then I continued to plateau for almost a year until I got my silicone dilator set and now I’m able to fit in the 4th out of 5. I was doing PT at the same time, but I only saw progress once I switched dilators, which makes me think the dilators are what helped and the PT isn’t really doing anything. When I move back to the area she’s in in a few weeks I will try and tell her to do other stuff with me, but my worry is that she just doesn’t know how to do it properly in a non-traumatic way since she hasn’t brought it up yet herself.


I think I’m in the minority for this but I really hate reading posts on here about people who have cured their vaginismus in short time periods. It just feels like such a struggle to be taken seriously and get help. I found about my issue over a year ago, and went to my gynecologist who barely helped and didn’t even say the word “vaginismus.” But I knew from this subreddit that I had it and that I needed to start dilating and see a pelvic floor pt. So I began dilating and booked an appointment with a pt who clearly did not actually understand vaginismus even though she said she did. At my first appointment she shoved something in me that was way too big and made me cry uncontrollably and bleed, and after that I was traumatized for a bit. Once a few months passed and I wasn’t so scared anymore, I tried finding a new pelvic floor pt, which was tough bc I needed a referral but my gynecologist ghosted me when I asked for one so I had to wait until my yearly physical to ask my physician for one. Then I finally started pelvic floor pt with a doctor who was a lot more gentle but I fear she still doesn’t understand vaginismus fully. She just does some sort of internal massage every time I visit, doesn’t dilate with me, or do the things that other people on this page say that their PTs do with them. I switched from hard plastic to silicone dilators which helped immensely, but it still just feels impossible to cure. I had a bf for over a year who I never got to have sex with, and also became extremely depressed over the course of this condition. I feel so jealous when I read about people’s experiences with pelvic floor PTs who are super knowledgeable and helpful and accessible, and people who are able to progress quickly with dilators. It feels like I constantly hit roadblocks and I’ll never get better.

I next tried with really small dilators and it did not feel like that again. I think I was just extremely nervous and was anticipating pain, which was less scary when I used a dilator that was tiny