Whoever is telling me is every scientific study I've read on the subject.

What I mean is he creates drama, that's how he gets views. he's just an obnoxious asshole child.

He was thrown ouf of the ufc too, he just starts chaos everywhere.

Well that would be idiotic

The first wolfmotver album was great classic rock. But it didn't last

Yeah wasn't this what the whole russian medeling was about? Putin helps him win and he lifts all the tarrifs from their first Ukraine attack in 2014?

Casting by who looks the most like the person isn't usually the way to go. Hopefully the guy just had a great audition

Yeah Fincher is a perfectionist so every scene takes suuuper long to make meaning that Netflix has to keep paying for every actors contract for longer than they had anticipated. It inflates the budget over and over. I get it, I just hate it

I don't really like the ending personally, but I don't think it's awful.

Om du har feber varför ligger du under 2 tÀcken? Du överhÀttar dig sjÀlv

Wasn't this just a clone of Moon? But with higher budget and action?

I'm glad for you but there arent many keycaps I can think if that I would dislike more :P



Finish your drink whenever Daniel Farraday slowly turns his head towards the camera and quietly/sadly says something really important but mysterious

Yeah, I agree they did say it as in read it out loud. But when I think quote I think something the came up with themself

. My name is elyse is the better quote, because mothers be aware isn't really a quote. But mothers will win

People started Complaning after the first few months really. All fgs this generation is kind of ass imo

Nintendo Games in general. Just think they made one story and then re-use it for every game, just upgrade the graphics.

Zodiac is hands down the best serial killer movie. CLosely followed by seven. Mindhunter is the best show on serial killers