Still have intense anxiety, after almost 6 months of being weed free

I was wondering if anyone has the issue as me, or anything remotely similar goin on with them in regards to quitting weed and/or other drugs

I quit smoking cold turkey on either Jan 8th/9th of this year, early on of course I had a bad temper and irritability issues. But, I still get intense anxiety over my house being messy and cluttered, which never used to drive me up the wall as bad when I smoked,.or used to use cocaine. Like the anxiety is at its worst when I see my gf eating in the bedroom or leaving plates and empty cups. To me it just doesn't make sense. When there's clutter I just get this overall feeling of suffocation. Like it's to the point where due to clutter in the bathroom, I can't enjoy a shower th same anymore. If I sound bat sh*t crazy or anything, i get it. I would see a therapists, but I won't due to fear of them telling cps about past drug use, as I'm going to be a father in a week.

I get it, if that's a pain in the ass, would haytham or conner be easier?

Wake John Shepard, random af from when u was in HS


But, itachi played a nice long term game of 3D chess for damn sure

My BM doesn't watch it, but she doesn't mind me watching it while she's in the same room, and doesn't complain about it like some of my exes

Wish the hidden blade assassinations would've be line the older games

He also is in Shippuden, especially subbed. Those intense monologues were good

You're tugging on the nostalgic strings hard with this post, I remember getting s couple of these in middle school. They were Fire, I remember the one where he fought hack/slash too