So basically i decided to replay the ezio series for like the 7th time but this time ill try counting ezio's kill count in ac2 and ill soon do it to all the other two in the trilogy, This took me a long time and it had difficulties so i split the kill count into four categories

  1. Mandatory (Enemies ezio had to kill to proceed the main or side mission)
  2. Outside missions (Enemies ezio kills outside missions like lookouts or just any guard in free roam) as an extra
  3. Battles
  4. Stealth areas

The main issue i had in this challenge was in the battles and stealth areas section, firstly in battles when you have to bring an ally with you for the mission, you can simply let the ally kill every enemy, or ezio can kill everyone, so there is no certain 100% kill count in these battles, so in battles i split it into two categories, How many ezio can kill (How many enemies in the area) How many i killed, Some battles were too big that i had to count the bodies when they were dead instead of when they are fighting you, And in stealth areas I split it into two also, How many ezio can kill and how many i killed, I counted every guard in the stealth area to the "how many ezio can kill" category, And how many guards i personally killed into the latter, So here goes


83 guards and 9 savonarola lieutenants


134 guards and 2 witnesses


How many ezio can kill: 246

How many i killed: 163


How many ezio can kill: 374

How many i killed: 138


Assassination contracts: 75 targets

Templar lairs: 29 (34 if you let the guard run away in "shipwreck mission")

Assassin tombs: 27 (31 if you let the guard run away in "vizitiazone's secret mission")

Courier missions: 1

In total: 92+246+374+75+29 or 34+27 or 31+1= 844 if you dont let them run away, 855 if otherwise

Thank you for reading the long essay lol and soon ill be doing this for brotherhood and revelations, Ezio is a beast.

Edit: Forgot to add the main assassination targets in the game, there are 17 conspirators at the pause menu of the game, one is rodrigo borgia which we will scratch from the list as ezio didnt kill him, and we will discard 4 also which are the assistants of jacopo de pazzi we have to kill so i put them in the mandatory section, here are the 12 main targets

Uberto alberti, Vieri de pazzi, Francesco de pazzi, Jacopo de pazzi, Emilio barbarigo, Carlo grimaldi, Marco barbarigo, Silvio barbarigo, Dante moro, Ludovico orsi, Checco orsi, Girolamo savonarola.

That will add 12 to the kill count, so 855+12 = 867