
I'm not saying it was you. I've worked for a few mic mfrs. you know and love; so I have seen this play out in front of me in VK a few times.

So sad to see him these days; a caricature of his former self. He should tell the band they need to find other jobs, and then go off to a fabulous career as producer/writer/mentor for a million bands that would give their left leg for his expertise in the studio.

I've seen Tull 27 times since 1972 and won't do it again. Soooo sad to see my hero milking it and just phoning in the One Last Check tour.

I got audited by the IRS once. I quaffed two heaping tablespoons of garlic powder right before I left for the audit, sitting across from some fat bureaucrat. The audit was over within an hour....llol

Diced and frozen chicken behind the electrical plates and old phone plates in different rooms. Works wonders about 3 days after thawing. You can't figure out where the smell is coming from, cause its coming from everywhere


I have watched people at similar mic comparative stations. One mic will be set to omni, another set to figure-8, another cardiod....and then someone walks up and listens to each mic with phones and makes a decision on which mic is preferred.

Please generate an AI meme vid/movie of this event. Someone...

Well....not what I've done or said, but what happened... I was in college and with this girl doing the old in/out in a spare bedroom at a party. Two of my friends slipped into the room and grabbed me by the ankles mid-thrust and pulled me out. Humiliation? Yes. Coitus Interruptus? Yes.

Then there was this time I was about 22 and drilling my gf on the hood of my car, just feet from the romantic local quarry pond. Then the cop tapped me on the shoulder and told me we should just leave.

I do remember that website now. Looks like it was designed by someone with a slide rule. That is a bummer. They made good products and everything was made in the USA, including the steel itself. The ownership/management had no desire to get serious about marketing, which to me was insane as they had good pricing and every product under the sun. They were knocking out complete control rooms for nuclear power reactors, dams, network TV facilities, radio stations, etc.

Construction workers smoke dope. What they don't want to do is move to a state where they can be arrested for winding down with weed at the end of the day, so they don't want to move here.

Custer County is seriously in need of good tradesmen. Contractors have to hire out of Blackfoot or Twin because there are less than a handful each of plumbers, electricians, carpenters, roofers, framers that actually live in the valley. The crews we do get come up for a week or two of living out of a camper, and then decide they'd rather be with their family and their own bed in Blackfoot every night.

I believe hemp production is now legal in the state. Last summer there was a hundred acres or so cultivated, planted, growing right on the side of Hwy 93 just south of Mackay.

I'll take the money. I'll wear the officially licensed 'DJT Man-Diaper' and once a day I'll pay some highly educated but unemployed MAGA type to wipe my ass and send the used Man-Diaper to the Carlson, Hannity, and Limbaugh Company for complete shit-recycling.

I just pulled phone number from Google yesterday. It'd be a shame if they went out of business. I talked to the owner about 3 years ago about doing some marketing for them, and he just wasn't interested in expanding and taking on the bigger guys. I used to spec and buy H.o.M.E. products for all kinds of jobs and they were very down home and service oriented. Like a business from 50 years ago that really cared.

If you are trying to establish yourself as a professional, doing quality work, you don't let ANYTHING out the door that is not right. Everything that leaves your shop reflects on you. If you are straight with your customer and let them know of the deficiencies and they are making an informed purchase, then sell it, but don't sign it.

Yes; it is a red flag that you are insecure and this is not going to work out. Goodbye.

Spend $80 and buy the US National Parks and federal lands pass. Free entry into any Nat. Park, Monument, Seashore, BLM lands, Forest Service lands and campgrounds. The best 80 buck deal the US Govt. offers.

I would just sign the person up for every charitable , non-profit, down on their luck, woe is me, organization I could find. Let everyone know this fellow is very benevolent and really likes to help out in the community.

Forward this to his ex-wife or ex-girlfriend.

I had a Rambler Ambassador that had 'automatic on the dash'. 65 or '66, I can't remember.


'Rock impresario' Rudy Colombini......... Hmm.... no hits, nothing notable produced, engineered..... 420 Facebook followers and 390 Instagram followers. Why do I get the feeling this guy had his girlfriend write and submit a "Press Release" in the hope that it would get picked up, thereby creating the spark that will send a deep-pocketed tech bro to his door who will finance his vision, or at least help him get a record deal?

I would call the building, electrical, and fire inspectors down to the site together. Tell them you need their professional opinion on what your bid should include.

I suppose you could just come in with a ShotCrete hose and cover every inch of surface area to encapsulate the burnt lumber smell. Then you'd have a pretty cool post-modern dive bar. Just add black lights and lava lamps.

I'll let everyone in on a secret I've held for 30 years. After going through all the B.S. with Lowell, Middle Atlantic, etc....there is a company in Hermann, MO called House of Metal Enclosures...... or H.O.M.E. EVERY product is made at the factory in Missouri, USA. They have a seriously deep product line, as they've been in business for over 40 years. They only do metalwork; free standing cabinets, wall mounted cabinets, rack drawers, panels, stamped metal, etc. etc. Everything is definitely less expensive than the big guys, as this mfr. has the lowest overhead, I'm sure.

The downside: This is a business run like it is 1962. No Website, no social media, no marketing, no digital anything. You call and ask for a xeroxed catalog/price sheet, they snail mail it to you, you get it and order what you want and it arrives. They miiiiight have an email address by now. Maybe. (573) 486-3111

This is a manufacturer, so they are likely not dealing with Average Joe Consumer. But for a contractor/integrator they are great to deal with. ZERO B.S. or excuses.