Of Mice And Men.

For if you read it for all it's metaphores and symbolism, that one semi-short story covers all of human being's fragile egos in one book.

Only way you'll deprogram the deeply brainwashed would be intelligent alien life showing up that could explain the origins of the universe that disproved their God.

Even then they'd fight beyond reason to keep their security blanket.

It's good more people see through the nonsense of organized religions, but I doubt it'll ever fully go away, as these are people who are living off faith, not facts.

They don't have a grip on reality and are too scared to think they don't know what'll happen to them.

"It takes a lot of work to get me hard, but then I'll be done about one minute after we get me there."

As long as I'm using Reddit, then not everyone using it is an asshole. 🤷‍♂️

Block pricks. There are many good people on here.

I'd guess there's a combo of maybe you had a boyish haircut (which you did note something about hair) and don't discount that many people out there are shallow, unobservant and stupid.

In their eyes, they see a girl or woman not in make up and they think it's a boy.

Stupid and shallow. Very limited and traditionally societal views.

What you want to do before anything is think about what kind of guys are thinking you're a boy.

Are they the kind of guys who matter? The type you want to attract?

Because honestly, some of the prettiest girls out there can be in jeans and a t shirt with their hair tied back and no make up and look great off sheer self confidence and being comfortable.

In fact, to me and many guys, the women who are relaxed and themselves look better than the ones caking on make up, tweezing their eyebrows past the point of human looking and wearing the tightest clothes.

Not knowing who you are or what you look like, this is about all I can offer.

Don't change for others if how you are is who you are. You'll never find happiness chasing the acceptance of others.

Good luck, whatever you do!

I don't think long hair is needed. I've seen plenty of beautiful women rocking short hair.

A Furbie dildo? Hmm...🤔

I'd buy one.

kicks feet up on desk with jaw hanging open Community meme-style

I'll allow it.

Seriously, fuck your teacher. There was nothing wrong with dropping the of.

That was power tripping bull, not actual teaching.

Oops, someone forgot to send Razar the memo.

Through very dangerous sciencey science, it was discovered all the universe moves around, but the Earth is still.

Which helps seagulls with their aim in tagging us.

I knew a chick who told me she once had such a huge orgasm while masturbating she pooped the bed.

The kind of info that stays with you forever.

Arnold is like, "Vaht accent? Send diss gully man to da choppa! Da choppa with heem. Eet's nohtta tooma!"

Epilepsy needs lapped up vag juice to survive in an adult body.

It died from dehydration, hence why you are always thirsty.


I stopped doing meth, weed and drinking.

Really didn't see that coming as an adult (started at 10 years old). Everyone thought I was on course to die still doing it to the end.

In fact, part of why I quit was to make those jerks wrong. 😄

The ability to understand the difference between literal and metaphorical.

My parents did that, calling them a pair, but all my life it's always been pants, not pair of pants.

And I'm old. (50)

If it's a woman cop, "Your vagina."

If if's a guy cop do not say your vagina! You'll probably die within 24 hours.

There are many factors, many of them religious.

Putting those aside, as the answer is...well, their religion, there are others it can be looked at two ways.

Oh, and to be clear, I don't look down on it and these aren't my views.

One is they can see sleeping around as you don't value yourself and will give yourelf in the most intimate way on a whim, so they are seeing it as trashy.

Two, parents do it out of fear because they don't want their kids to think sex is no big deal and get pregnant or get someone pregnant too young, so they play up having sex as a demoralizing act.

That second one is still much like the first in that they also are looking at you not thinking highly of yourself if you give your body easily to others.

Also, still others can see it as a larger glimpse into a lack of restraint, loyalty or commitment in your character.

And I'll repeat for the impulsive downvoters, these are not my views and I don't agree.

I'm merely answering how there are many people in the world that are looking from that perspective.