RN 🍕

I thought I was the only one who loved the smell. I find any excuse I can to use them at work.

Canning bananasHelp!

I have acquired a massive box of bananas, and I'm looking for a way to store them. After some bad experiences with dead freezers, I have a serious mistrust of freezing food. I plan to dehydrate some of the bananas in chips, but I was wondering if anyone has recipes for canned bananas. Ideally, I would like to pressure can them plain for using in baking later, but I'm open to other suggestions. Thanks!

31 [F4M] Michigan. Anyone else excited for deer season?

Married mother of 3. Avid reader, love to crochet, play video games, garden, and preserve food. Currently getting ready for the start of bow season here in Michigan. Hoping to one day own a homestead big enough for us all! Looking for KTP dynamic eventually. I'm not the most fit woman (I love food too damn much), but I hope you'll join me on my bike rides and hikes.

I don't know the correct answer, but I never do. I'm a picky eater, and I never notice a poor texture result. However, I always pressure can my tomato products. That may be the difference.

I just can't believe that someone actually recommended Dean Koontz.

This intro is my #1 favorite 5 seconds of Game Grumps. It always makes me belly laugh.

So I preordered the deluxe version on Amazon for PS5. I just got a notification that my delivery is pushed back until March 2. Has anyone else seen this?

RN 🍕

As a libertarian, I am neither a conspirist or a nut. And I believe in vaccines, state testing, SSNs, AND liberal use of pain medication during childbirth. Lol

RN 🍕

You need a better team. Nurses should raise the young up, guide them to the right answer or how to find the right answer.

They make a little K cup slicer that takes the top off like a can opener. We actually found it at Walmart.

Not horror persay, but 120 Days of Sodom. Got tired of people asking me what that book was about. Awkward.....

RN 🍕


Are you doing the Espiritu del Sol CAL too? I'm still trying to work through making the 44 flowers. Ugh.

No, Sophie's Universe. I have that pattern planned for someday too though. :)

About 6 months I think.

Pattern is Sophie's Universe, color scheme is Sophie's Pond, both of which can be found on Ravelry

I came to this Reddit JUST to ask this. I too thought it was a UFO Easter egg due to his mom's delusions.

I bought that series too. It stares at me from the shelf. Haven't worked up the courage for that yet.