Lilly X Robin

Lilly should have left Marshall and eloped with Robin.

What happened to sav?
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Am I the only one who hate Barney Stinson?

He was insufferable. Being the son of a terrible mother is not an excuse to be that bad. I just hate him. An arrogant, stubborn, conceited, shallow man.

I just hate going to popular temples. We visit temples inorder to experience some serenity and a momentary seclusion from the busy world. But these temples are filled with people. We have to wait for hours to get darshan. Especially in some south Indian temples, they prioritise celebrities and politicians over common people. Hindus can learn a thing or two from muslims and Christians when it comes to maintaining their places of worship.

Damn! Next they will say Adolf Hitler was white. This is getting ridiculous.

Question for college students
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Wasn't there a muslim contestant named Hoda in one of the previous seasons?

Irony is that these are the same men who whine about feminists not talking about problems faced by men and boys. Anti-feminist men themselves are first in line when it comes to belittling other men when they start talking about their issues.

Shlomo SandAsk The Sub

I recently bought Israeli historian Shlomo sand's book, "the invention of Jewish people". Planning to read it sometime soon. I've listened to some of his lectures and interviews available on YouTube. How accurate is his book?

Islam by definition is against paganism. Worshipping or even acknowledging the existence of other deities is shirk. You certainly cannot practice arab paganism and Islam simultaneously. Islam was a reaction against paganism.

Why do you guys hate pezza so much? This is a cooking reality show, not a personality test.

They mostly talk about sports. I have zero interests in it, unless it is bodybuilding.

The morality of homosexuality

I had an argument with a conservative muslim friend of mine a few months ago regarding the morality of homosexuality. I argued that homosexuality cannot be considered immoral as long as done between two consenting adults. He replied that by that logic, incest between adults should be acceptable, if it does not lead to pregnancy. ie, if homosexuality is not considered immoral, then homosexual incest and heterosexual incest that do not lead to child birth should be acceptable as well. I couldn't come up with a counter argument. Can anyone help me out here?

Oh I agree with that. There was a time when it was safer to be gay or an apostate in Muslim countries than it was in the Christian world. Don't know what happened. Must be due to the propagation of salafism by those wretched gulf states. In a way, I do blame US imperialism for the strengthening of Radical fundamentalist groups in MENA. The damage caused by this is almost irreversible.

I agree with what you said about the western world not being progressive in the past. It was extremely illiberal.