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I just blew up my marriage, maybe Sex/Dating

Hey fellow bros. Just looking to vent and get some support. Earlier today I sent my husband a long message (I type better than I talk) outlining some things about our relationship that are bugging me and have been for a while — how he doesn’t share our living room with me, how our bedroom habits have changed, and his continuous past with downloading Grindr, even though we are allegedly monogamous.

It’s been a tense six hours. He moved all my stuff to the guest bedroom. He’s pretty well marooned himself in the master. He’s mad at me for not having been more forthcoming sooner but I needed time. I also think he has some guilt and shame for how he has treated me and he’s projecting that onto me.

I’ve told him that all is forgiven and I want today to be a new start for us and to be able to also forget, but he’s threatening divorce. Whatever happens I am at peace and my conscience is clean, even though all I’ve done wrong is not speak up sooner. It’s hard to speak up against a strong personality like his. All my concerns are out there in the open now. It’s just on him to make the changes he needs to. Or not.

That’s all. Thank you for listening.

Pride Is Important Because

Pride is important because someone tonight still believes they're better of dead than being gay.

Saw this on Facebook, not sure if it's been shared on the sub. Figured we'd appreciate it.

Used to be that someone, like many others, so glad to have made it to a better place!

Gay bros, how did your dad find out you're gay?

How did he handle it?

Father's Day is on the horizon and it got me thinking to how my dad found my stash of gay porn magazines.

He was enraged and disappointed at first, and in disbelief because he says "I was all boy," into skateboarding and playing team sports. After the initial anger wore off, he insisted that I was just confused and needed to give girls a shot. Uhhh, sure, dad..

Eventually he came around and accepted me as I am. He's met and really liked many of my BFs.

How is or was it with your dad?

Learning Our Limits in Our 40s: A Pride StoryMisc

My husband (45M) and I (44M) have been together for over 11 years. This Pride, we had grand plans to hit up a local drag show with a stack of dollar bills ready to make it rain on the queens.

But first, we spent the day with our young nephew, celebrating the end of his school year. We took him to a museum, a planetarium movie, a toy store, and out to dinner. It was an epic day, and we were determined to make him feel special.

Now, a bit of backstory. My husband's mother was the glue of our family, larger than life and the true matriarch. When she passed away a couple of years ago, it hit us hard. She was the one who stood up for us when my husband got a "get well" card instead of a wedding congratulations. I planned her funeral, which was a crash course in everything I never wanted to know about funeral planning.

Since then, celebrating holidays has been tough. We skipped several Christmases and Easters, but this year, my husband was ready to enjoy Pride again. We were all set for the drag show, but after our full day with our nephew, we got home at 6 PM and were completely wiped. I had eaten way too many chips and queso, but I still got dressed, ready to rally.

Then, my husband looked at me and said, "Is it bad that I'm too tired to go?" Honestly, I was secretly relieved. No idea how I was going to survive two hours at a bar with my energy levels in the red. Instead, we curled up, watched some shows, and went to bed early.

Turns out, in our 40s, we can only handle one major event a day. Anyone else finding their energy levels aren’t what they used to be?

TL;DR: Planned to celebrate Pride with a drag show, but after a fun day with our nephew, my husband and I (both in our 40s) were too exhausted to go. Realized we can only handle one major event a day now.

Do you think it's too much if someone wants to meet in public place first before hooking up?Sex/Dating

So I'm 24 yo and I had a lot of bad experiences hooking up, now it's just a requirement for me to meet in public place first thing is that too much?

MOST people dont deserve to be parents.

If your parent only gave you love that was conditional like your sexuality for example they never deserved you to begin with. Don't ever let their lack of love, compassion and understanding devalue you.

Happy Pride🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧

Pride Month

I wanted to wish everyone a very happy and fulfilling Pride Month. 🌈

reminder psa: watch for pickpocketsMisc

almost had my phone stolen at pride yesterday. to the lovely man that helped me get my phone back, i love you dearly and hope for all the good things in life to come your way. to the bitch who stopped in front of me to distract me and the person who tried to steal it, fuck yall ugly bitches. still reeling in the aftermath and feeling a bit traumatized that i had to be on high alert instead of just enjoying the night

edit: bitch to lovely man

Ever talk to a guy on tinder that had 'be talkative' on his profile bio,Sex/Dating

And literally not be talkative? Like bro practice what u preach smh, im always carrying the conversation on my back, and when i ask questions the same question doesn't get returned. He also has, 'don't be a time waster' i feel like he is talking about himself. Im getting so frustrated with dating i have reinstalled the apps like 3 or 4 times.

I don't feel comfortable being gay

I've been out for a few years, my parents know and are supporting of me, my friends know and don't care about my preferences. For some reason, despite this support, I feel uncomfortable when anyone brings up that fact that I'm gay, or when talking about my sexuality. I don't dislike being gay and I've never experience bullying about it other than occasional slurs at school. I don't understand why I feel uncomfortable about everything LGBTQ+ when everyone is accepting of it including myself.

Actual gay dating

Just need some help. I'm 42 w m, 5'11, 175..if that even matters. Dating these days only seems to be online, and I hate that, but I guess that's what it is in 2024. Any actual good sites to meet guys to date and get to know, for possibly something more. Or is it all just the Grindr/Sniffies anonymous fucking? Feeling hopeless.

M25- could really do with friendship/support tonight

Hey lovely people, to cut a long story short I’m extremely lonely and lost right now, would anyone like platonic friendship? I am easy to get along with and consider myself good with conversations. I’m from the uk, if you would like to chat, feel free to hit me up:)

Question about my partner and us moving into our first home,

I’ve worked for many years to be able to get a home (33) and unfortunately losing 5 family members in less than a year to give me 3% of down payment.

However this house purchase I found the realtor myself, got approved on my own, bought all the furniture on my own. Now I asked if his family would go in as much as I did they all said no. I asked if he could help pay for the move $500 he said he couldn’t. I asked for help paying the inspections $1000 he said he couldn’t.

So I got a home I enjoyed and put offer in waiting to see Tuesday for official approval. But he (my partner) has about 3 literal shopping shelves full of of hot wheel toys (the action figures). He’s disappointed because I will sometime work from home and have 5 snakes, so I have one of the bedrooms for that as I can’t sell them or give them all up for adoption.

But since my family house out of the 3 rooms I just wanted to have a hideaway couch for my family that stays with me. But he seems really mad because I said I didn’t want 3 rows of toys I. The new house and would like him to still set up his game console in there with a hide away bed is provide to make it his own den still but he’s mad and said it’s not fair?

Also he’s asking to break my HOA before we even move in and try bringing his dogs which were allowed x2 I’ve had my x2 forever and I couldn’t give them up. He has no rental history so it would be hard for him to get approved. However his dogs fucked up my apartment and his sisters house. I feel awful but I don’t want something I’ve worked for to be destroyed so I don’t know what to do

Currently waiting in the ER, unprotected sex

Waiting in the ER for PEP and both the reception lady and nurse were judgemental and made me feel like shit.

Just venting...

Edit: Thank you all for the support! I'm great, got home safe, got some food and rest!

I'm not in the USA and I live in a small town, it was 3am on a Sunday and the ER was the only choice to get PEP. I managed to get PEP, the doctor and the pharmacist were instructive and reassuring. It will be a long month of treatment and 3 months of tests but I finally feel like I have a weight off my shoulders. I can somewhat move on and get my mind calmed down. In the future I will totally be more careful and have safe sex.

Still don't know how I will manage my new daily life but I hope it will turn okay