You are 100% right!

Thanks for showing me the other side, I wrote that one in rage on the initial thought of "the old internet" when automated translation was not there..

Very true indeed :-) And looking to the future, these cases of people who are unaware of automatic translation should be very random :-)

I thought about that but is there any way to do it ALL side wide? changing individual sections would be extremely time consuming

Prevent Website from being automatically translated by browsers

My website is created 100% in English, and I just had a client telling me that my website is full of mistakes in Spanish...

Well, dude, I never translated it to Spanish...

What he saw was the automatic translation from Google Chrome, and as a nontech-savvy user, he is unaware of that...

He just felt my website was 100% wrong and gave my company a terrible image.

Is there any way to force Chrome or any other browser to NOT translate the website?

Can i add a file to the /public_html folder?

Hi everybody.
I want a clean link to a pdf on my website, right now it's

I want the URL to be

Any ideas if I add the file via FTP to the /public_html folder it will work? will it break anything?

Thanks u/Flashy_Tomatillo2278 ! My website is global, It's a B2B targeting Europe, US, Canada, Latin America and Middle east.
Going with the strictiest would be Europe, which yes, it works for all the rest in terms of developing.
But in terms of marketing, it's not. Because of 20% of my visitors I don't want to loose cookies and remarketing possibilities on the other 80%.
Thanks again!

I'm very happy with Brevo, the SMTp is 100% free and it also comes with other nice free features as a CRM/e-mail marketing platform.
If you ever need that, it's going to be MUUUCHHH cheaper than Mailchimp or any of the "big names"

Thanks! I was checking cookies, That's only on the paid feature at USD 20 a month.
Does it work 100% to justify the investment?

Cookie consent plugin with Geo-location - Free?

I'm building a website and I need a cookie consent plugin or platform that displays different consent banners based on the visitor's country.

I want to avoid using the European restrictions for visitors from countries that don't mandate "active consent."

For instance:

- EU: The banner should include options to Accept, Decline, and set preferences.

- Peru (for example): A simple notice stating "this website uses cookies" should suffice, triggering consent for all cookies.


It's correct, host cities are decided already.

They will use the M&T Bank Stadium

Indeed, all hotels are either already full or held for teams, dignitaries, sponsors etc.

Maybe some rooms become available later on, but I believe they want us to book apartments and cruises before making hotels available.
If you want a hotel, it will be very expensive.

Just simulated to book a room.
If an apartment you get the "minimum 3 nights" message right away, you don't even get a quote.
If you select a cruise ship it shows you the price. and room, so I assume you can check out.

· nights on the partments, on the cruises you can get one night only

My account is new and I can't start DMs yet :-) but you can contact DM me at

Interested in your Brazil tickets for the first 2 matches :-)PLease DM me

Still have the USA vs WAL/UKR tickets? Happy to buy those from you I applied and was not given any.

I believe that if it says "24/7 reception and guest services" on the descriptioth should store luggage, it's one of the basics of "guest services"

It's the ONLY way to book accommodation, all is concentrated into a single agency

"If you cannot attend a match, you may put all your tickets up for resale on the official FIFA Resale Platform, subject to the applicable conditions. The FIFA Resale Platform and the respective Resale Policy will be made available at in due course."

How lucky you are.... I applied for all of this and got 2 tickets
You can not select what you want now, you need to pay for all your order.
What you can do next is resale back to FIFA, and the only deduction will be the "Transaction fee" which should be minimal
I am happy to buy the first 2 for Brazil form you :-)