Team Coach

I am convinced the actress' agent posts here under the guise of a male super fan.

Team Coach

Ignore them, I like your games! Haters gonna hate. They have no lives.

I ♥ Pizza

Congratulations. Looks delicious!

This made me viscerally angry and I read all the updates. Hes so condescending and paternalistic and yet also so wishy washy. He said they've been together since they were young teens so she's probably brainwashed and will be stuck in this terrible relationship forever. Fuck this guy, what an utter waste of man. I hope someone kicks him in the balls soon, and very hard.

I actually love the blanket he posted 😂😂

I ♥ Pizza

OUR PIZZA SENPAI! ❤️❤️❤️❤️🍕🍕🍕🍕

Yes and I fucking hated it. It made me hate the Willow/Xander thing even more than I already did bc it was so cheesy with the music. I hated that they cheated on Cordy and Oz and it led to Cordy being impaled. I hated that entire stupid storyline.

Where's the pie?

Metatron intro, obviously /s

In all seriousness though, I love the burning wings & the black wings

I have self harmed since I was 9 and now I am 36. I have been clean sans picking at skin for three years. I recently got a massive tattoo covering most of my scars. Life isn't a dream for me now, but I'm doing better than I thought I would be when my SH was at its worst. I still get urges to cut and burn sometimes. I pick at my wrist and draw on myself in red sharpie to stop the urges. I am also on meds for a few mental health diagnoses. It didn't get this way overnight and it isn't perfect. It'll never be perfect. I've self harmed most of my life. But it doesn't define my life anymore. Best of luck to everyone out there struggling. You got this. Just be safe as you can.

I am bi, but there were signs when I was pretty young, and I feel like if it'd been the 2010s vs the 1990s/early 2000s, I would have realized it pretty quick.

In late elementary/early middle school, I used to get mild obsessions with girls and look them up in the yearbook and stare at them in class and my dumb ass thought it was because I liked their hair or wanted to be their friend. No, bitch, you were crushing.

I also obsessed over specific singers or movie/tv characters who were female. No joke, I wrote self insert fanfic when I was like 11-13 about how me and the women in question were BFFs and went on adventures (dates). Notable crushes/writing subjects were Phoebe Halliwell from Charmed, Kelly Taylor from 90210, Britney Spears, Buffy, and the singer Mya.

Anyway, I was 15 when I realized this was pretty "gay" and I was probably also into girls.

Pointless and stupid, especially this time around. I did not watch it bc it'd just destroy my mental health. I know how I'm voting so why bother listening to some old ass man who once plagiarized his speeches, even if I'm voting for him? I already know 45 is insane and I hate him so why listen to him at all? The highest seat in the land is a fucking joke and I wish things weren't this way.

Where's the pie?

Jfc he made scraggly, sloppy beards hot. The man is flawless.

Where's the pie?

I've seen every episode multiple times (except Bugs, Bloodlines, and most of season 12) and that's the main draw for my rewatches most days. Dean is such a wonderful character, Jensen is the hottest man alive, and I just love how charismatic Dean is on screen when interacting with others. I love every iteration of Dean and I am borderline obsessed with him. Also, you should listen to "(67) Winchester" by Reyna Roberts. It's a fun country song that is literally about being in love with Dean Winchester.

The worst pacing ever and, I hope this isn't a spoiler, but I'm disappointed by the ending. Also Kim Ks acting was a highlight and that's.... not saying much 😐

I fart the star spangled banner


I fart the star spangled banner

Tbh the director deserved it and worse, but yeah, slippery slope. Don't forget creepy smile moment.

I fart the star spangled banner

Shades of old!Frenchie this episode. BB come back!

Libertarian. Fucking sleazebag.

I see your point, but I'm really not even considering Ron here, moreso Pacos contribution to Becks murder. Regarding Ron, I actually think Paco is probably very grateful to Joe for this and wouldn't be "traumatized" in the same way as enabling the violent murder of an innocent woman. I think if he had never seen Beck, there's a chance he'd see Joe as a hero forever and let it be. However he very clearly saw a traumatized Beck and left her behind to be tortured and murdered and I am hoping they explore the impact this had on Paco in the last season by having him come back to confront Joe. Like I said, not holding my breath though.