That's pretty normal in Europe too, it takes me an hour to get anywhere using public transport (40 minutes if there isn't any traffic).

But I wouldn't want to drive somewhere for an hour. Not all the time at least.

You should google what matt rife said about outies. Unfortunately, a lot of people are just mean and love creating new insecurities for others.

Because, let's be honest, it's not like they went out as friends, somehow BOTH realized they have feelings for one another that same day, immediately discussed it and went home. His has been happening for some time now, if they are that comfortable telling their married "friend" that they like them.

Just catching feelings isn't. Going on a date where you discuss these feelings is (esp without telling your wife about it). Not immediately cutting contact with that person is. Not setting boundaries is. Still texting that person, even after they confirmed their feelings for one another, is emotional cheating.

And if OP got to read those messages that her husband refuses to show her, there would also probably be proof of that.


Why does it sound like he is the one making all the decisions (or they are)? He is emotionally cheating, but he is still the one in charge. Why are you letting him do that?

They went on a date and figured that they have feelings for each other (in an ideal world, he would've talked to you about it, said that he is developing feelings and NOT tell you about it AFTER talking to her). They decided together that they'll tell their wife/ husband about it. They talk on the phone all the time but no, you can't see the messages. He hasn't decided what he'll do, but he'll let you know. And he just expects you to take it?? That is emotional cheating. But it seems to me like he acts like he can do whatever he wants because, at least he's being honest about it. That's not how that works.

He doesn't want a life without you... but he is doing nothing to reassure you. He didn't tell you he will cut off contact. He won't show you messages between them. Did he confess just so he feels better?

OP explained that it's cultural. He doesn't eat meat except chicken and when he does eat chicken he doesn't want it processed.

They don't have to make 2 different meals every time, just when she's making something he doesn't want OR when he's making something she doesn't like. They can rotate and come to an agreement about when they'll make what. They just need clear communication.

Except that went out the window because she won't tell him what's in the food that she's making.

wants her to spend the time wrestliing with a chicken carcass to make homemade, fatty chicken broth that has to be strained and so on.

No he doesn't, he isn't asking her to do anything. He is saying that if she's using store bought broth, she should tell him and he won't eat it. He is perfectly capable of making his own meals and he obviously doesn't mind making his own food.

It’s a “violation of trust” for her to not make his food to his standard, but it’s okay for him to make the meals the way HE wants, and if she wants something else she has to make it herself.

Yeah that's how that works. If she wants to eat a different thing, she can make it herself. And if he wants to eat a different thing, he can make it himself.

I’m just not going to waste the time/money on a meal for just me.”

That's what he's doing tho, he is making a meal just for himself.

she wants his plain child food.

It's just vegeterian food, y'all are so dramatic.

Why is it controlling for her to cook how she likes, but not controlling for him to cook how he likes?

What the hell are you talking about? She can cook whatever she wants, but he doesn't have to eat it. Especially if he said "I don't want to eat xyz thing" and she puts xyz thing in their food and doesn't tell him about it.

He can also cook whatever he wants and she can eat it if she wants to.

This man is never doing to make her a meal she wants

The things she wants are the things he doesn't want. So it would still be cooking for one person.

it’s not worth it to buy nice ingredients to cook for one person

Why not? I live alone and I just eat the same thing for 2 days. It's not the end of the world.

Do you want her to lie to her boyfriend? "Do I look good in a dress?" is subjective. Comparing dick sizes is objective.

Now if her bf asked her who was better in bed, she should probably say that he is. Who is gonna fact check her?

Then she can eat it herself? He has a right to decide what he eats. And if he told her numerous times that he doesn't like something, she should just tell him "I'm using xyz in my cooking today, no food for you"

Editable Flair

Im sun breaking down when she realized that they were purposely giving her busy work in hope that she quits was so sad. 

I literally started crying, I don't know what came over me, but they really weren't fair to her. You just feel so pathetic when you find out that you're unwanted and a bother when you think everything is fine.

You and I are polar opposites - can't recommend this enough, I love it so much and the friendships are just so lovely, I would read it just for that

Kinda, I think this will happen in 3 or 4 chapters, something like that

I mean OP said that they were "very very vain" and they mention it 3 other times in the post, so I guess it's not that surprising.

There are some good tips for someone who is just starting their skincare journey, but nothing really new. It's all the things we see on this sub on the daily.

I do find that often I can tell if an elderly woman is good, or nasty based on her face. It’s hard to explain. But I notice that elderly women with nice skin and light wrinkles are almost always very kind and tend to have a grandmotherly sweet air.

Mean old ladies tend to have harsher facial lines and deeper wrinkles. That is my own personal experience, but I usually find I’m right more often not.

It was a pretty good post until I read this part. No words. OP, old ladies are probably mean to you because you judge them. You get back the energy that you give.

Totally agree, wtf was that all about?

Imagine someone working outside all their life, in harsh conditions, and then you have to deal with someone like OP who judges you because you don't have "nice skin and light wrinkles".

Mean old ladies tend to have harsher facial lines and deeper wrinkles. That is my own personal experience, but I usually find I’m right more often not

Or maybe they have harsher facial lines and deeper wrinkles because they had to work in the sun? If I had to deal with someone like OP, who judges people based on such a superficial reason, I would also be mean.

Partassipant [2]

That's good, I think it's still something and it might mean a lot to your son. Good luck

Partassipant [2]

Yeah you keep saying that you're trying to be better and that's great and all, but what exactly are you doing to be better?

There are so many comments telling you to have your sister and Gabriel apologize, even your husband told you he thinks they are at fault... and you haven't said anything about actually doing that.

People are telling you exactly what you need to do to be better. So, are you gonna do it? Or are these just empty words?

Please Love the Useless me

I just tried reading it but the FL infuriates me😭 please tell me it gets better

Partassipant [2]

He said he didn't mean it and that he was sorry he made me feel bad

This is actually really sad, why would he apologize for making you feel bad when he just expressed his feelings. It just sounds like he's the mature one, managing YOUR feelings when you're the adult, not him. That should NOT be his role.