I’m one of six bridesmaids for my friend’s upcoming wedding.

She had a pretty low key bachelorette party planned by her maid of honor, we went to dinner, then out for drinks, then to moh’s home for more drinks and hanging out.

I had asked the bride if she thought there would be strippers at any point and she said no and that she requested there wouldn’t be. Well, one showed up.

I’m not comfortable around male strippers. It’s not something I was ever interested in or found fun or attractive, but I have tried to have fun with it and just watch a couple times at previous parties and both times I was involved, touched, etc while I actively said no and was distressed. I figured the first time was a fluke but when it happened again ofc I’m going to assume that’s the way it will be.

I politely excused myself and went outside while he was there which was only like an hour. I just had a drink and looked at my phone i wasn’t rude or upset or anything. I realize it was noticeable since there were only 7 of us total.

Afterward I got shit from moh and a couple others for being a prude and a buzzkill and it was implied it was my boyfriend’s decision and that he was controlling. I explained myself but apparently this guy was polite and didn’t touch those who asked not to be (like the bride). I feel bad but I didn’t want to risk it again. I didn’t bring it up before hand bc I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.

I’m glad the bride isn’t mad at me. I know her through work and don’t really know her other friends in the bridal party. Bride actually texted me upset bc she very much did not want a stripper and felt pressured to stay. But otherwise I’m now labeled like a problem in the group and it’s not fun. What do you think?