Me (42F) and my husband (47M) have a son (14M), I'll call him Lucas.

Lucas is generally a sweet and nice kid, he's friendly, he's very open, etc. He likes to read comics and draw, I think he's pretty good at it. I'm really proud of him, I couldn't wish for a better son. Anyway, Lucas has been visiting my sister (28F) for 3 days. My sister has a son (8M) Gabriel. I was hoping Lucas would be friends with him. I exchanged messages with Lucas and he always said it's going okay.

Yesterday, I went to my sister's house to pick up Lucas and she looked really hurt. Lucas was sitting there glum as well. I asked what was wrong and my sister told me to ask my son that question. It took me a long time to convince Lucas to tell me the truth, and he finally admitted what was wrong.

As I understand it, Gabriel was curious about what Lucas was drawing (he had his sketchbooks with him). Lucas let him see his sketchbooks, but told him that Gabriel should handle them carefully.

But when Lucas was outside, Gabriel (with his mother's permission, as I understand it, and I'm not excusing her for this) decided to check Lucas's things. When Lucas returned to the house, he found his sketchbooks torn up. I mean, I'm not excusing what Gabriel did.

But according to my sister, my son didn't want to call me or my husband and he didn't want to hear Gabriel's excuses. He threw a tantrum and called Gabriel a ton of names, even though my sister said he was just a kid. All these days the atmosphere in the house was tense, my sister didn't call me because she was offended.

My sister said she didn't even know if she would still want me or my son at their house after that. I said Lucas should apologize to Gabriel and his mom. Lucas was offended, but did so.

When we go to home, I asked why Lucas didn't tell me that Gabriel had torn up his sketchbooks. Lucas cried and said, "Because you never care." Those words hurt me deeply and were a low blow because I really love my son and I didn't think he could say those words to his own mom. But I promised him that I would buy him new sketchbooks and he could redraw his drawings in them.

But my husband thinks I acted like an asshole in this situation and Gabriel and my sister are wrong.

EDIT Okay, I realized I was being an ahole because I didn't even ask if Gabriel apologized to my son. Today I bought Lucas new scetchbooks and apologized. Lucas no longer looked offended. For those wondering: I was hoping the boys would become friends because Lucas has always been good with kids and Gabriel has no friends.