I think it was more impactful to for the kids to see chili working through her stress and calming down than for them to not go to the playground. 

Paige went through a huge growth spurt and just never seemed to know how to fully extend those long arms and legs

Pretty sure that some of their plans are cooked up via "we want to do x, can we get a sponsor for it?" Some of the time they take up offers if the money is good but some of these activities were their idea

Same. A few years ago I was reading up on DW itineraries for my family and months after my trip later I was still getting recommended articles from inside the magic about people waiting 6 hours in line for figment popcorn buckets. Bad algorithm!! 

I went back and watched her stories and I feel bad. It sounds like the LAUSD(?) really jerks its employees around. Keeping employees on a temporary year-to-year temporary contract probably saves them a lot of money but It does not create stability or trust for the employees  I remember Miss frazzled was talking about this issue on her podcast. She mentioned that she was also on a temporary contract and kept losing her job every year. Dhe basically she volunteered to be pink slipped during maternity leave to save a colleague's job.  I would also say that while yes, there are lots of places with teacher shortages. If you've already put toots down in your community, I don't think it's fair to expect people to just up and move to another state. 

Working the niches to build my riches

And the kids will lose their language skills if they don't practice it. A more ethical approach would have been to try to connect the kids to other Ukrainians (besides Elissa 's husband) 

If she wants traction she needs to get on TikTok. Her YouTube numbers are terrible 

School Librarian|MD

One of the best pieces of advice that I've lived by is the idea that if you are juggling life sometimes there are things that are glass balls and there are things that are rubbrr balls. If I fail or take the back seat on doing some task I just asked myself. Is this something that's going to shatter in my face or bounce right back? 

The other thing I really try to do is think about actions that will benefit my future self. So things like cleaning up my classroom for 10 or 15 minutes or making sure I have lessons planned or copies made ahead of time or things that future me will be grateful. Other frivolous tasks will may not benefit future me as much. 

Finally, I've had to learn that I can only work to my own strengths and I'm very good at improvising and I'm good at thinking on the fly and that can really work out well. If something isn't working, I can always pivot and problem solve

I would always encourage people to vote even if they think their vote doesn't matter because of a lot of local elections are decided by a handful of voters and that directly impacts your community

Or cut back on caffeine. She consumes at least two coffees or maychas a day. She could try reducing t cutting caffeine intake over the summer to reset her body

I can't get over the messiness of them not even bothering to try and ask you or convince you to change grades in classroom but immediately jumping to gaslighting you that you had written this email to them and then faking it and sharing the evidence with you. Definitely made the right call to leave

People come up with this theory every so often and it doesn't seem to be really based on anything specific. 

 It seems like Chris is not on camera as much and it seems like he's dealing with more custody issues with Tommy and Caden, but I don't know if that's really impacting his relationship with Jess. 

She's been talking about that for years. I think it's really hitting her that the baby days are over and now she has a bunch of teens/preteens. Plus Addie who wants to act like a teenager and Jess does almost nothing to discourage her from that. 

I know that. I'm sure there was some level of nepotism and how both of the girls got solos, but I think it had a little bit more to do with the fact that Jess was willing to pay to play to to speak. 

Also, Addie seems to want to be doing cheer and not doing dance. I predict Jess is going to be making a lot of drama about their final recital and their final dance lessons, etc. Since being a dance, mom is such a core part of her personality

The books described Penelope as being really shy and self-conscious and unflattering clothes and being overweight as the factors and why she was n't getting any suitors. If I remember correctly, she even loses weight at some point in the series. So much of her motivation to be lady whistle down was feeling like everyone ignores her and thinks very little of her and so lady whistle down was a way for her to feel vindicated because her opinions mattered. She also was able to be a lot more financially comfortable, although she did have to sort of finagle getting the money to her family in the form of some random relative's inheritance

 I'm glad that the TV show tried to reframe it a lot more about her lack of confidence and total awkwardness as the reasons why she wasn't getting any suitors.

Pregnancy insomnia is the worst. I swear I slept better with a newborn than I did in the last trimester. Here's to hanging in there for the last couple of weeks before you can go on leave

Because he's got a decent gig just basically doing f*** all and then occasionally doing little house projects here and there for Jess and not having to work. Yes, she would probably owe him spousal support but I don't know if that would really cover his bills in California

Larping as a Disaster Aid worker

Plus the filming schedule might create a lag from the wedding to the show honeymoon 

I know he's paid to shill course careers but he's very ignorant about job markets

Okay fair. It's been really long time since I've seen the episode but I did remember there was some context around them wanting to thank Brian. Of course, no good deed goes unpunished

Larping as a Disaster Aid worker

Grifting, giving dubious sex advice to married Christian women wow! Cheerfully ignoring how she completely bought into the same purity culture that often gives people hangups around sex, posting pictures of herself at her wedding every time someone in her family has good news

Larping as a Disaster Aid worker

Sorry this was not a dig on Dav. This was a dig on how bethy claims you should make special courses based on your special niche expertise. Anna is the expert of "so your husband cheated on you with a sex worker how to just sweep everything under the rug and act like it's a bad because at least you have a husband. Also he's in jail for CSAM"

Yeah the Addie and Lilia had private classes to run their solos

So my only bone to pick would be that Melissa is canonically very Italian and Kate flannery is not but she could be the character's best friend 

I always wondered if Jim was the one who invited Brian to lunch as a way of saying. Thank you for protecting my wife/sorry you got fired