Willingly is a big stretch. Massive protests forced him to hold a vote, then he leveraged control of media to affect the vote, and the generally held belief is that he was gonna lie about the results, but another general intentionally talked to the press, revealing the win of democracy, before entering the meeting where that conspiracy would've been sealed.

Bards losing access to polymath is quite the nerf.

Statista es medio chanta, pero si te haces una cuenta puedes revisar la fuente y evaluar por ti misma, o citar la fuente directamente.

Isn't calling Ukraine the Ukraine a Russian nationalist dogwhistle?

I'm a month away from a pc and reliable wifi, but I recall getting shadow creatures for zot a couple times. Remember, minotaurs may have shit aptitudes for magic, but they have such good aptitudes for melee that they can spare sinking loads of xp in a solid single school spell. Edit: here you go. 5/7 of my minotaur wins have 6 level spells online. One in GDS, all the others in armors with base AC of 10. Of the other 2 wins, one was trog, one I just didn't go for magic. Last one is cheating cause those gloves are insane. But most one of these got is 4 runes, and in one of them I even got deflect missiles, a two school sixth level spell. Notice that all have maxed fighting and high defenses anyway.  http://crawl.akrasiac.org/rawdata/Silurio/morgue-Silurio-20180815-192554.txt  https://crawl.kelbi.org/crawl/morgue/Silurio/morgue-Silurio-20200429-044937.txt   https://crawl.kelbi.org/crawl/morgue/Silurio/morgue-Silurio-20190925-023122.txt  https://crawl.akrasiac.org/rawdata/Silurio/morgue-Silurio-20180820-033936.txt   https://crawl.kelbi.org/crawl/morgue/Silurio/morgue-Silurio-20190214-014356.txt 

 Edit2: links broke, but if you copy and paste them they work. Redimdit added sone strange characters in the end.

You really should check "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State" by Engels. You are not the first to give this some thought, and Engels has a theoreticalframework you would benefit from in your analysis. You can then move on to feminism and a myriad more contemporary perspectives.

Scale early, then you can go as gmhigh as you want, depending on spells. If you are going necro, you will be doing a significant ammount of combat anyway, so training some melee isn't a bad idea.

It's way harder now. There's opportunity attacks. You are likely to get attacked some 5-10 times before you manage to get a gap. Which is why acrobat amulet is such a good piece of gear now.

You can cast lvl 5-6 spells reliably as a minotaur in plate in the late game. For MD you can go crazy. Ignition is very easy to get online.

Oh, no, I meant skill+skill instead of skill+stat as modifier.

And shock generally means that 1s are concerted to 2s or 3s in practice, so that warrior ability would be tredundant.

Nah, do it skills only, should work just fine. Roll double skill checks if needed (talk/notice). Be sure to give warriors some kind of bonus to dex or str in other form, they get direct damage increases from that.

Or just give "you have a +1 in charisma and in str because your character is silver tongued mountain of a man and call it a day".

Well, if death is not the end, it must rely on conflicts in which death isn't in the cards. Gathering a certain ammount of money to buy your friend out of slavery. Running out of money is the end, specially if the mechanics are based on gambling. Having a deadline to reach a goal, and failing challenges means losing time. Morale of the party or country regarding wars or campaigns. Popularity if it's a pop star simulator. Will if the recurring threat is posession. Perhaps you have to cyborg yourself to be able to fight back, and every step of cyborgization makes you more vulnerable to the AI trying to take over the jupiter base and invade the Earth. Torches and light. Or like in "Belly of the beast" (ttrpg), where your character can let go of their principles to win a conflict, but it means their identity changes (you could turn them into NPCs). Also defeat means capture, like in invisible inc. Look into ttrpgs, theres hundreds of ideas out there.

Usually using varieties with a tendency to parthenogenesis.

You dont seem to have the slightest idea about how seedless fruits work. Nothing to do with gmos. Also, do you have anything against GMOs? It would fit with your ignorance on agriculture.

You don't need to recycle biodegradable plastics. You could compost them I guess, but compostable is a different standard with it's own complications.

Really? You probably haven't looked for them then. Google biodegradable plastics. Theres myriad. Don't confuse them with bioplastics. Those are of organic origin, but not necessarily biodegradable. Regarding microplastics, there's a bit of both, depending of which standard of biodegradability they adhere to. Stricter standards require true biodegradability, while laxer ones just require stuff to not be visible. We are still lacking more expertise in how to properly use these for fibers, but there's a lot of advancements and science being published all the time.

There's plenty of biodegradable synthetic fibers that are less energy intensive than natural ones. Don't confuse natural with sustainable, nor artificial with unsustainable. They tend to coincide, but there are many very important exceptions.

We could also use some of the myriad biodegradable petroleum plastics that exist already. We just need to learn to use them better.

Sinophobia is a hell of a drug. You stop believing evidence and start beliving whatever your fantasy of the worst is.

It loses searchability, that's mainly.the problem. At a glance it looks like you did a very good job with the balance, which is what interests me.

Hahaha, look, I know what you are getting to. Trump and his voter base are a danger to the biosphere and a disservice to humanity. Republicans in general are (as are a smaller but still way too large number of democrats btw, US' overton window is hellish). But Trump won't start a nuclear war.

No you aren't. There would be a military coup before that happened. The US military is dangerous and unhinged, but suicidal and omnicidal it is not. You have had hot-headed, dumb presidents before. You need the whole chain to be hot-headed and dumb fur nuclear war to happen.

MAD is still MAD for the humans involved tho. People try to avoid triggering a nuclear war even more than politicians do.

What does that have to do with anything? The most fundamental power of protest is to disrupt economic activity until those that own the means of production believe that yielding to demands is cheaper than continuing the fight to uphold the status quo.