Naval Ops: Warship Gunner 2, PS2. I have played and beaten 1, once you play 2 it's hard to go back. Avoid Naval Ops: Commander, or whatever that piece of shit is called, not worth the effort.

Infinite Space for the Nintendo DS. Fun, BUT!!! It is an incomplete game, with no quest log, so be prepared to take a lot of notes.

Terra Tech for the Nintendo Switch. It does need some improvements in control options, and some quests are just plain bullshit, but the build options are amazing.

MS Saga: A New Dawn, PS2. A Gundam RPG with plenty of customization for your Mobile Suits, and great skills for your characters. One warning: the only possible protection against a Kamikaze Raven is the blessing of RNGsus.

Rengoku 1 and 2 for the PSP. You ARE the mech. Anything else would be major spoilers.

Metal Max Xeno Reborn, Nintendo Switch. Great post-apocalyptic tank game, I just wish I could get my allies to FUCKING STAY PUT IN THE OTHER ROOM when I'm trying to snipe the walking gas cans...

Sail Forth, Nintendo Switch. Surprisingly good naval combat game, don't be surprised when you decide to hog all the flaming arbalests for your primary ship.


A1: The Humans have just contacted us - pizza delivery on approach vector Shredd-Orr!

A2: What?!? There's no way they're gonna make it through!

A1: New contact! They say they're here to protect the pizza delivery!

A(chorus): YAY!!!

A2: Who is it? Who's escorting the humans?

Incoming radio transmission and A(chorus): Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES!

Incoming radio transmission: Heroes In A Half Shell!

A(chorus): TURTLE POWER!

I still haven't eaten at Sonic, ever since the "two dumbfucks in a car" advertising campaign. Simple logic: if the quality control for the commercials was that bad, there's no way I'm going to trust the quality control in the restraunts themselves to be any better.

You'll NEVER teleport into objects or a dangerous scenario, and if you bring along something like a car, it will be parked SAFELY "nearby".

So, ALL these people who want to teleport into bank vaults? Nope.

ALL these people who want to INSTANTLY undergo extreme changes in atmosphereic pressure, like from breathable altitudes to the top of Mt. Everest, or from Earth to the moon? Nope.

ALL these people who want to go military or vigilante? Nope.

ALL these people who want to deliver cars to rich folks, who seem to forget that "safely" and "nearby" are RELATIVE terms, and not absolute, and seem to forget that if your power places the client's car "safely" into SOMEBODY ELSE'S locked garage or storage unit that is within the same neighborhood and therefore "nearby", that the power DOES NOT automatically grant the ability to find either car or safe space, nor even RETRIEVE the car when it is "safely nearby? Nope.

Oh, the places you WON'T go, when your power says NO NO NO!!!

Could you people PLEASE read the ENTIRE prompt? Teleport anywhere EXCEPT! EXCEPT! EXCEPT! The power ITSELF limits your ability to actually USE IT!!!

Oh, the places you WON'T go, Because your power says NO NO NO!

READ THE DAMN BOOKS! Jumper, then Reflex.

Yes, the movie is good on it's own IF you've never read the books, or if it's been so long since you've read them that you don't remember them.

Better yet, forget Jumper, and read Anne McCaffery's "Pegasus" series, and it's sequel "Tower" series.


You want to avoid noise? DON'T FUCKING TELEPORT! When the air rushes in to fill the void you just left, that pop will wake the kids anyway.

The bends don't just apply underwater. Sea level to the top of Everest is a significant change in air pressure. Just taking an oxygen tank won't cut it. And contrary to what scifi shows, those atmosphere suits don't take kindly to rapid pressure changes, either.


I take the 5-minute full sleep every time. Not just because of how others would abuse my power to teleport... but also because of how I would abuse my power to teleport. You CAN NOT hide teleportation as easily as you can hide quicksleeping - don't be one of those dumbasses who believes they're "built different", it NEVER goes well for them when they're lucid in the real world.

I firmly believe that EVERY auto parts store should carry eyedrops for the benefit of anybody who has been sent to buy blinker fluid...

Canada has legalized euthanasia, just saying (giggles in Geneva Checklist)...

A: Give up, human, you're surrounded! Your comrades are dead, your commanders are ow wait stop ow Human stop aagh damn it ow Help ow Somebody stop the ow hey Human you lost ow AAAAGGGHHH!!!!!

Fully agree with the not-looking-their-age thing. For as long as I can remember, the girls at my local HS have had a "visible" age range from 8 to 25+ - and that's without actively trying for a specific age! It's a good thing there are no nightclubs around here - the predatorial jailbait would have a field day, and there's no telling what the non-predatorial teens might be pressured into.

You're right - the "Save & Exit" save is only ever overwritten by another "Save & Exit" save. I've had times where I've had to exit and reenter the game multiple times because I kept forgetting some vital activity due to fatigue.

Flight of the Valkyries - you just KNOW somebody has a swarm of drones looking like mini fighter jets and attack helicopters...

In "Rock-a-bye Baby", I've always heard it pronounced to rhyme with "how".

George the First, George the Second, George the Third But Actually The Second whose Parents Were Either Too Fucking Lazy/Stupid To Come Up With Something Else And/Or Too Arrogant To Allow The Possibility That Their Offspring Might Be An Individual Rather Than A Clone, George The Fourth Proof Positive That Being A "Junior" Has Fucked Up George The Third Beyond All Repair...

I'm pretty sure that the only reason Richard is used as a slang term for a dick, is because Dick is a nickname for Richard in the first place. I'm also pretty sure that that particular use of the word "pegging" is way too new to have any connection to the name Margaret. That being said, I don't know for certain, and I could be wrong here.

And it's actually Neptune Bat - her adoptive father named her after the only other creature to successfully sneak up on him.

Why is it that though, rough, through, and bough don't rhyme, but pony and bologna do?

Do you HAVE to be "autistic" to understand the buffalo sentence? Much less EXPLAIN the damn thing?

Explain how the fuck you can possibly hate somebody you JUST met so badly that you believe it's acceptable to make them a "Junior"...

Regan, Miller, Forrest, Ford, Carter - quick, are those first names, or last?

Am I the only one who thinks that there are a whole hell of a lot of black kids who should be allowed to legally change their names, no questions asked?

Why are there so many people who weren't even ALIVE during the 1960's who keep naming their kids like they were concieved during the 1960's?

Can we pass a law saying that if you want to name your kid after a character in a fantasy story, you FIRST have to READ the ENTIRE FUCKING STORY, PROVE you read and UNDERSTOOD the story, and then JUSTIFY attempting to give your child that name?

I can see how you could get Bob from Robert - just turn the tail back on the R. Getting Hank from Henry - well, at least they start with the same letter. But, please, somebody, ANYBODY - what combination of brain damage and drug abuse leads to getting Dick from Richard, or PEG from MARGARET?????

Then again, I once named a character Neptune Bat, so who am I to complain?

So, BEFORE reading ANY of the comments on this post, based ONLY on the picture, and not knowing the characters:

  1. There's a blond teen or preteen, just barely on the possibly feminine side of androgenous;

  2. There's a teen, likely brunette or redhead, probably female;

  3. The two aforementioned individuals are making out - kissing only, no indication of nudity or fondling.

So in other words, for those of us who don't know anything about whatever series this is from, and based SOLELY on the picture itself, it appears to be fan art of characters from a YA novel, and rather tame considering the stereotypical fans of YA novels. It's actually kind of adorable.

Now, AFTER reading the comments on this post -

Y'all perverted fuckers are going out of your way to read too much into this, like those dumbass English Lit teachers who try to use five thousand words to explain the hidden meaning behind an author saying a door was red. I get the distinct feeling most of these comments are trolls trying to feed off each other - and doing a bad job of it.

Honestly? Very disappointing performance, people.

All you need is ONE sign:

NO! This is your ONLY warning!

With this sign, you will be morally AND ethically entitled to not only use the shotgun on the solicitors, but to execute their next of kin as well IF they're stupid enough to take you to court.

(Attention: NOT a lawyer)

But seriously, there is literally no such thing as an obligation to provide a warning. You have no obligation to tell people when you work, when you sleep, whether or not you've got kids/pets, whether or not you are armed - seriously, NOBODY has ANY right to this information about you except YOU. Suicide by proxy is still suicide, and approaching any house uninvited in a nation plagued by squatters, home invaders, and illegal aliens is a prime example of attempted suicide.

Stock up on those elbow-length gloves and heavy-duty garbage bags, and if you don't have a pressure washer, make sure you have restaraunt-quality degreaser available.

(Again: not a lawyer)

Don't worry about skill. It sounds like you're writing from the heart, and that's what we're liking about it. Always remember, no matter who else reads the story, your very first audience is YOU - so write the story YOU want.

The Xenos knew something was wrong, when the Humans started affixing bayonets to their rifles.

And their grenade launchers.

And their jeeps.

And their tanks.

And their Warthogs.

And their naval vessels. Wet AND space.

The Xenos tried transmitting their surrender. The last message sent by the Humans was, "Sorry, didn't hear you."

Now that you've admitted this, you've just guaranteed that Hillary is going to place an order on the Suicide Hotline before she runs again...