I'll be your friend man

For sure, I had to cut down to maximum 2 per day, as before I used to have 8+, even on retention my anxiety was through the roof

This is from Finland, and they are considered one of the happiest countries on earth, maybe it's because they have no stress and they just don't care

I'd leave her if I were you, she belong to the streets

I've been on retention for 4 years, I've noticed that when I used to retain but I had lustful thoughts I would attract bad luck, fast forward to now where since mid May I started thinking pure thoughts nothing sexual, and positive thinking and feeling and everything has been working out in my favour, I feel protected, and I've noticed seeing Angel numbers on a daily basis to confirm that, especially 444. Do you see angel numbers too?


OK so first of all, meditation helped me a lot when I was starting out I would highly recommend that. Also you can still have sex and ejaculation with no release, basically what you do is squeeze the same muscle when you're stopping the flow of your pee when you're 80% towards orgasm, if it helps use your hand to press just below your balls, hold both the squeeze and your hand position, you will orgasm with no ejaculation, and it feels way better although I haven't done that in over a year as I'm now fully celibate but it works


Well cats are from the Lyran race at the end of the day

What's your favourite movie