A couple of years ago I was walking along my back deck to throw a bag in the trash bin. It was around 2 in the morning and it was dark out. I 'felt' something standing beside me so I stopped and turned and what I saw was what people call a shadow person, like the 'Hat Man' but no hat. It was about 7-8 feet tall, darker than the night sky and had two little white dots for eyes. It was in a solid form as I couldn't see through it. I freaked out, dropped the bag and just started blurting out "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus..." It immediately vanished and 4 feet behind where it had been, standing on the top of my neighbor's fence was a black cat glaring at me, it hissed before jumping down and running away. Ok, the cat being there can be easily dismissed as just a cat that happened to be there. I'm not saying it shapeshifted or anything like that. But, I know what I saw as far as the dark figure. It scared the shit out of me and probably the cat and I haven't found any logical theories as to what else it could have been. Anyways, that's one of my bizarre encounters. Anyone else experience this or something similar? - Edit grammar.