Best Buy for us. Huge TV's with bright and colorful eye catching videos. Refrigerators to open and close, we play "what can we fit in here?" Pretend loading laundry.

Years ago, my mother and I were driving home at night through Napa Valley. Dark, winding roads. There was a man walking on the side of the road, tall with really long arms and long hands. He was walking lightly, not floating but not human steps.

We passed by him and up the road was a cemetery. My mother and I both looked at one another with eyes wide "Did you just see him?"

"I guess he's on his way home" my mother said.

Not to me, but my ex boyfriend. Years ago, walking down the street in SF and he slipped on a banana peel.

Still makes me laugh out loud thinking about it, I truly thought that only happened in cartoons.

I just left Marin after twelve years. My partner is black and our son, mixed. I absolutely love Marin for many reasons but the racism and closed minded-ness and lack of culture is enough I don't think I would ever return.

My father passed away when I was five years old. We used to visit my father's gravesite on birthdays and anniversaries (an act in which I don't much believe in now)

At the grown age of 14, I was "dating" a 24 year old man, secretly of course, and thought it was a good idea to have him drive me to buy flowers and visit the gravesite.

My mother ended up visiting shortly after and found the flowers there. She asked around and none of our family or friends had been there recently.

My mother had always been heartbroken and had a jealous streak with my father. I watched her stress and over thinking who could have left the flowers? An old friend? A mistress? I know it hurt her for a long time after as it was brought up a couple times in years past.

Is there ever a good time to tell her that it was me and the creep with a small dick that was statutory raping me? Heavy.

edit: I suppose telling a partial truth hadn't occurred to me. It has been over 20 years and feels bigger than it is. Stupid of me.

I'm 30 min west of MB and has been thunder and lightning with heavy rain for the past few days. Your mornings are bright and warm and sunny. Watch out for the rain from 1-4pm. The weather is calm, maybe overcast after the storm.

The cabinets are beautiful, swoon. The chicken must stay and I would lean into that and try to match the simple white tile. I would also remove as many gadgets as possible from the counter tops to lighten up the space.

Made me literally LOL, seriously good laugh.

But he was at the hospital and asked "is Mommy going to die?"

Was this a hallucination? How would he have gotten there?

My father was 32 years old when he passed from Glioblastoma. This was 30+ years ago.