Didn’t view, but I’m pretty certain we wouldn’t see what you see directly in the headset, and therefore wouldn’t be able to judge your settings. We see what is being fed back to your monitor, and then recorded.

Millennia? Is that why a huge chunk of ancient maps from all over the world and different cultures depict the earth as flat?

As an experiment, start a timer on your phone and then hold your arms out in front of you holding your vr controllers and see how long it takes before your arms feel like they’re going to fall off.

As far as I know, the game has VR accessibility, but isn’t a full VR game like you’re thinking. Your controllers have no functionality in-game, beyond maybe navigating the menu in the pits. I don’t think you can map steering to controller movement like that.

Yeah, it can be obnoxious. After killing Sanitar and his guards at the cottage with the back door, I had endless scavs spawning all around that yard in groups of 3 before I could even loot. As soon as I’d kill one group another would spawn ten feet from me, looking at me. It happened 3 or 4 times before I just dipped.

I’ve been working on the quests for killing Kollantay and Kaban, and the endless amount of scavs that have your location pinpointed and rush you gets pretty old quick. I had 7 scav bodies in the entrance of Chek 15 before I could even push out to huck a grenade at the machine gunner, and at least another 7 killed at the entrance, and in the first container to the left before I could even think about pushing Kaban. It starts to feel just more like an arm reattaching/mag packing simulator.

Where did you hear the game wouldn’t wipe after 1.0?

Kilin RC has cars on the Touge Union server, and has the best street car mods I’ve found. I’m a huge fan of his 86s.

I was never a fan of it so never used it, but from what I remember the zero on it was off, and you had to use the bottom of the ring for headshots.

Touge Union servers at Gunsai are some of the best driving/fun you can have in AC imo. LA Canyons is always fun too. There’s always competitive races going on, Miata Cup races are a blast.

Otherwise learn to drift.

That 50 is so OP, in the best way. 50x .308, and it loads/unloads so much faster than any other high capacity mag.

Watch the Drift Bible, and Chelsea Denofa’s “How to Drift” series on YouTube.

In case you didn’t pick it up from the comments yet, that’s not a thing. It only comes on with no headgear. Some face masks don’t allow it either, I haven’t tested many, but the death shadow mask takes it down. I’m assuming any armored mask will as well.

Fuck me, 5 Guys is straight robbery.

Culver’s > Everything

I don’t have any experience listening to music through them, so can’t say.

I exclusively use them for gaming, and watching youtube during Escape From Tarkov’s long loading screens.

Personally, I’d recommend the 770s over 990s if you go that route. They were my first open-back headphones, and I quickly learned I would prefer closed-backs.

Any audiophile headset/IEM will be an upgrade over almost any gaming headset.

I personally didn’t notice any downgrade going from DT990s to Zero: Reds. I now use my Reds for gaming and thoroughly enjoy them. The only downside to them is they’re rather large and can hurt some people with smaller ear canals.

For reference I do power the Reds through the same Soundblaster GC7 amp I used for the 990s, I’m not sure if it’s necessary, but it was already set up for when I made the switch.

This post and all these pharma-shills gaslighting everyone is a perfect example of this sub’s current state.

AK-101 forever, but the AUG is a cheap laser.

Their satire detectors are frightfully faulty

No sweat at all, dude.

lol what? I didn’t even have a comment here for him to disagree with. The anagram just stood out to me, ya dingus.

lol fair. I did skate Adidas and Lakai as well and nothing would hold up more than a couple months. Thats why rubber brake soles became a thing in downhill.

I’m old now, with high arches and I’ve come to learn the same about Vans. They’re murder for mine as well.

Adidas Busenitz > everything if you’re skating. Durable, with similar board feel to Vans.