Makes no sense to me. I could spend all day by the river. On the one hand I’m glad because it means they’re not packed with houses/development/popular beaches the way lakes are. On the other hand if more people appreciated them they’d care more about river health/pollution and how it affects basically everything else.


I really liked this one. Though I decided to headcanon that the last like 30 seconds didn’t happen.

Yep, tbt the outdoor drag queen story hour that I checked out where the protesters- ostensibly worried about exposing kids to adult material- shouted genuinely disgusting profanities and sexual descriptors over a megaphone. To a crowd of children.

Looking for small outboard advice

Hello everyone, I have an old 14’ aluminum boat, and just looking for something to “get the job done” with minimal fuss. Last year I used a refurbished 1960s outboard that would be great for someone who wanted to work on it in between runs— it turns out, this is not me. I have precious little time to go out on the water as it is! So I’ve been trying to do research on the lowest maintenance outboards. So far I’ve been looking at either lightweight low hp outboards like the small Tohatsu models or the electric ones like Newport/epropulsion, and am open to any suggestion you might have! There is a lot of info out there and it seems every other page and video is sponsored in one way or another — posting in hopes that I can hear from people who have a small outboard that doesn’t require tons of maintenance and gets them where they’re going. Dunno if it matters, but I use my boat to get to good swimming/hangout spots/casual exploration, not fishing.

TLDR: The most important things to me are being low maintenance/reliable, not getting stuck out there after an hour, and just fast enough to not feel like I’m stuck in the mud. Lightweight is a huge plus. Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!


My family runs a small biz in a visible/downtown area and I probably have an annoying person talk to me about their ideological leanings and request that I put stuff up for them 4 times a week. I’m not going to go online and tell people to harass them in their homes knowing full well that doxxing has the potential for years of stalking. Or, like, a bunch of disconnected people who happen to be in… the same Facebook group…? As the person who talked to me? Get a thicker skin is all I’m sayin

This professor is the head of Jewish Studies at this school bud. At UNH, 11/13 of the arrestees were students plus one mother of an alumni. The narrative of “it’s all outside agitators who have nothing to do with the school” is tired

Same, every time I try to do a different playthrough the thrall of what my heart of heart wants takes over (independent Vegas) (arcade liking me)

Seriously — New Englands young neonazi group is NOT coy about their antisemitism. They flyer, propagandize, and campaign on the topic specifically and at length and target households, businesses, and places of worship. At least one state rep (in Nashua iirc?) who spoke out about it got targeted by them with death threats while the vast majority didn’t say anything at all or said it’s a free speech issue. But obviously NH needs to send in fully riot geared state police and a bunch of cops from surrounding towns to beat the shit out of unarmed, nonviolent students and elderly Jewish Studies professors on the lawn of their college campuses.

They want to pressure their own schools to stop financially investing in the blood

Yeah, but it’s a different kind of game from the open world RPGs where you can build your own character

Yeah I would call BoS and ghoul bigotry more of a social problem that I wouldn’t factor into the stat trade off. I was thinking it would have to be a mechanical trade off. Like (just spitballing idk) for instance healing and boost items in general (stimpaks, chems) being significantly less effective bc of different digestion or something like that.

I feel like it would just have to balance out with something else being made harder than it is for human characters, though, right? Lots of games have different kinds of creatures you can be with different bonuses and weaknesses etc


Love it. Maybe some settlements are hard to get into unless you’re disguised (ghoul settlement(s) on the other hand are automatic entry, maybe harder for human players).

POV me looking at my companion

Thank you! I appreciate the info!

Clip-on bowl recommendations?

Hello! Hopefully this sub is the right place for this question. Does anyone have any recommendations for a brand that makes a silicon collapsible dog bowl that clips on/uses a carabiner/etc that won't just rip if you actually USE it like its designed? I like this kind of bowl because they're easy to clean and I like being able to clip it onto my dog's harness or my backpack if its wet. But every one that I've bought has the little hole part where the clip or carabiner goes rip in half, so the clip or carabiner can't stay there anymore. I've tried what feels like a thousand of these bad boys, they rip so quickly! Any help would be greatly appreciated :) Thanks in advance!