Find an EXTERNAL vacancy! Get out of that shithole. They're doing you a favor.

The GL's jg doesn't outrank that of the whole team... (Ever heard of the Dilbert principle?)

I appreciate the correct usage of the word 'jerk' (as the third derivative of position to time).

Why are you excluding proverbs?

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uhh... your opinion, man

What a terrible flag, still not including so many minorities!

Koop een 'white noise' apparaatje (voor babies). Ideaal om het slapen te bevorderen bij tinnitus, luidruchtige buren, etc.

Anyone ever tried pure psilocybin? Does the experience differ much from mushrooms?

(I have no frame of reference here. I'm like a child who wanders into the middle of a conversation...)

It's down there somewhere. Let me take another look..

Open settings -> body fluids -> dispensing -> eyes -> enable auto-stop

Sounds like a wonderful first trip!

Van die witte vierkantjes op een rolletje meestal

For a first trip, I'd recommend a house, a couch and a blanket, just to be safe. Since you don't know the dose and you don't know how your wife will react to it, it is probably better to be in the safety of your own place.

Apart from having your parents over to guide them through a psychedelic session, 'parents' and 'psychedelics' don't go together well. (And I'm not sure about the former.)